Saturday, May 28, 2011



Hares are much larger than rabbits.

Longer limbs give them a far faster "bound".

And unlike rabbits they have never been domesticated...

Not even the really cute Arctic Hare!

European Hares.

Arctic Hares.

PS: I've found a rehab where you're even allowed pinging hamsters in a tank!


  1. Gled,

    Here in California we have the Jack rabbit that's not a rabbit at all but a hare.

    Good luck with the new rehab center. I hope it works out better for you.


  2. The rehab is actually in California, but I'd go if I could. We have equally good ones here, that I'm googling slowly. "Dual diagnosis" is the keywords, not "pets" but I thought it was amazing that they do equine therapy and other animal therapies there, I expect they'd be really good for people with mental "issues" coming off nasty chemicals... It does have to be "dual" I just couldn't handle coming off drugs in a place where you'd be considered a weirdo for having a nervous breakdown. I've had a flare up of usually depression every single time I've tried to detox or change meds. When I haven't been depressed I've been manic (or slightly high and manic) which again isn't normal. I don't think I could handle the paranoia these days of knowing I was odd one out. I'd be happier in a place where I knew others had worse problems than me. I'm not scared of mentally ill people. So at best it would be like a giant version of my Nutter Club I used to go to. Home from home. Home at last!!

  3. I was fascinated seeing these in Sweden. Really interesting Lagomorphs. I like your happy furry posts.

  4. You mean the European hares?
    Don't they have hares in America?
    See I thought they did.
    I don't know anything about America, you know... it's a Land of Mystery to me..!!

  5. They are truly beautiful creatures Gledwood. I hope things do go well for you

  6. aye, ta

    i want an arctic one btw. and another sparkly bouncy ball


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