Thursday, July 28, 2011


AMY WINEHOUSE'S FAMILY now think it was giving up drink that actually killed her, according to today's Sun newspaper.

Whatever it was, the authorities must be pretty sure of the cause of her death in order to have authorized her funeral so quickly. My friends who have died suddenly have been kept in the fridges for weeks on end... My friend Lucky who died of multiple system failure was in the morgue for over a month before they finally cremated her...


I'm vegetating here in the public library, my brains feeling sluiced out with water. Washed clear. It's not exactly first thing in the morning; it's 11:20am! I've had my methadone and I'm fine. I'm very tired. I think my pills are making me fatigued.

Now I've got to go. I'm trying to be well and embrace a bright future. Only way I have of doing that is by chucking rubbish out of my house. Today I gave in 3 pairs of reading glasses and 4 books, including the autobiography of Gay Byrne, into my local charity shop. They're gonna love me (not!) by the time I'm finished with them. Yesterday I gave in records by Henry Mancini and they seemed overjoyed to receive them.

Now I've got to go: my brain's all over the place.


  1. Detoxing alone from alcohol can kill. The seizures occur. A friend who is now sober 21 years nearly died when he tried to detox himself. Drug detox is difficult but not fatal.
    And, yes, I did think about you as I wrote my post about terminal uniqueness. I am hopeful for you.

  2. If drug detox could kill I would have been a lot more enthusiastic about doing it... as it is they won't even LET me reduce my dose of methadone which sounds like rank hypocrisy to me... if you know what I mean...


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