Thursday, July 14, 2011

The back of my head...


I didn't get any canaries yesterday as some BASTARD went and bought all the yellow ones while I was talking shit at the drug clinic. Only bird I want in there now is the "goldfinch mule". This is a European goldfinch crossed with a canary. He has very attractive pink colouring but seems to live in permanent terror fluttering to and fro. I was half tempted to buy him out of pity, to try and calm him down.

I'm trying to feel positive, the depression is seeping back, just like high tide follows low tide. Only good thing is I've not bothered with the heroin. I got a phone call at 2am (I got up at midnight) from my old dealer, but didn't bother answering. This is the one who handed his business to a schoolkid who tried to sell me one "ten" for £20. So I say hang on a minute. He gives me another. Then I say "no, it's three for £20" (which it is, from this dealer). So I opened them up and there was about £10 worth of gear in all three, at 2002 prices. I hate drugs, I hate drug dealers. Every morning I feel SICK before I collect my juice. I wish those bastards would let me drink it at my own pace. Then I'd never feel ill. So I am sweating like a bastard knowing the dealer is at far closer hand than my chemist.

Anyway I have to go. I'm using the library's ethernet or whatever the hell they call it. Gotta jump on the bus before the urge to score eats me up.

PS my hair isn't as yellow as that. It's "absolute platinum" ~ that's the name....


  1. no, and your head isn't as "flat at the back" as that either . . .:-)

  2. So glad you are staying strong in spite of inconvenience. Sounds like you are taking an interest in other aspects of life.

  3. Stay strong.

    Show us a real picture of your hair.

  4. I'm staying strong. Strongly depressed. Yeah I did buy fuckwit powder today. No I can't see myself doing it again. It does nothing for me. All I need is to detox detox detox the BASTARD STUFF out of my body I HATE IT.

    BUGGERLUGZ: how do you know my head isn't that flat? it isn't. but how do you know..???

  5. Am I the only one who sees a tennis ball?

  6. that is somebody's head too... innit?

    if so then i'm dur, you're not. i thought that was a head that looked like a ball. not a ball that looks nothing like a head!!!


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