Thursday, July 07, 2011

Waiting on my man

MIDDAY: I'VE just called the Drugs Clinic asking to speak to the manager. A "senior practitioner" is supposedly calling back so I'm waiting.

Ever since I transferred clinic, this new place seems to occupy about 50% of my thoughts. Surely that's not healthy.

If they won't give me a new worker I will put in a written complaint.

O please ring back soon. I want this over ASAP.

Framed and hung on every wall is a massive list of behaviours we, the clients, are not allowed to engage in. Yet this Buta bitch says whatever she pleases to me. I know what's happening. It's all about getting me to break one of these rules so I'm cut off methadone and lie in front of an express train.

I'm having a Valium.


  1. I hope you get a new worker and you like them Gleds.

  2. I spoke to the Senior Person and found out my present one is the Titration Nurse, so there's not much room for manoevre in the short term. I'm going to try and swallow my irritation. If Buta made an effort too, we should get on OK


  3. Talk about paranoia alert. No I'm not going to lie on any railway tracks. It just feels like a conspiracy against me, trying to push me into something I can't deal with...


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