Monday, July 25, 2011


THERE'S NOT MUCH TO SAY about Amy Winehouse. What can you say?

It always got me that she was supposedly signed to do the James Bond theme. But couldn't get it together to produce one single song. With all the help and backup she gets. Not even five minutes of recorded sound.

I wonder what did actually kill her. Maybe it was suicide. Or was it slow suicide? Or was it purely an accident?


  1. She probably over dosed. I imagine we'll find out soon.

  2. I'm curious too. One report said bad Ecstasy. Who knows?

  3. Sad to say that when a person plays with fire, some burning occurs. As I have heard in Al-Anon, don't ask why, say why not?

  4. The post mortem takes place today so we'll find out tomorrow no doubt. My guess is a drugs overdose - inevitable I'd say, it was just a matter of time. Shame. :(

    I hope you get clean Gleds, I'd hate for you to follow in her footsteps. x

  5. Syd: that sounds like a good saying

    Akelamalu: I haven't used anything bar very tiny amounts in months, last time I took "heroin" I felt nothing I haven't the veins left and have had enough of the whole thing so I'm glad not to be doing it now !!

  6. Its too late for why's. Its very sad. I just hope that her life was not in vain and that other's will choose not to walk this path.

  7. Tragic waste of an amazing voice.

  8. Gleds, I think posting that awful picture of her is not like you. She is dead, and there but for the grace of God go you.

  9. I heard today that it could at least 4 weeks before we know how she died. I'm assuming that's to just let things calm down a bit first. I can't imagine it will really take that long.

  10. Gleds,

    I,too posted about her. I loved her voice. I can only begin to imagine what her life must have been like. How can somone even attempt to get clean when they are surrounded by predators and freeloaders. Those types don't want you well. They thrive in the sickness of your addiction as it feeds their need. I hope she is finally at peace. Her voice was phenomenal...

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  13. Barbara: it's true if she puts off one person from dabbling she's at least done something. I was thinking at the time during her bad years imagine if the whole world knew what you were up to? That's just too much... I don't know how she handled her state of mind and state of being being splashed all over the news as they were...

    Bimbimbie: she was a one-off

    Lou: I never thought of it like that. I felt I somehow knew Amy Winehouse. I don't know why... there's big mystery as to why she died when people said she was doing so well. I think drink was her biggest poison not actually drugs.

    LL: they cremated her yesterday so they must have a very good idea of what it was. I've had friends who died in just slightly mysterious circumstances (ie not an overdose, yet they used drugs and just died) and they were kept in the morgue for weeks... so they must know for absolute certain what it was

    Lori: she's the only singer from recent times whose stuff I did go out and buy. Her CDs are amazing


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