Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Getting on better

I AM GETTING ON BETTER with my "horrible new drug clinic" thank God. We started out on about as wrong a foot as you can get.

Talking of creditors I did get a note from them yesterday. The real creditors. Asking me to call them. So perhaps some end is in sight. I am considering phoning them today. My support worker is supposed to deal with all that but I don't see him till Thursday. Maybe I ought to leave it till then. I'm just scared of coming back and finding all the furniture gone. Hey it's not my furniture so what am I worried about..? Still not good though, is it? I think this all boils down to the council tax, which I'm meant to be "severely mentally impaired" for. That phrase just means "disabled" and I found out I am counted disabled for going mad. Well I don't know.

Cripes! It is 0950 hrs I have to bolt down the methadonery and drink it. Like an idiot I scored heroin for the first time in over a week. Yes it's gone down to literally one use per week now. Wish I'd remembered I have no veins it was a total waste of time and I felt NOTHING from the £10 bag. Total waste of time. See if I can stop that once per week I can reduce methadone to nothing, too. The clinic doesn't like me using on a reduction that's why they won't reduce me.

Gotta run!

Frost's Scottish Anatomy: Methadone implicated in 1 in 3 drug deaths...


  1. Here's hoping you can stop the heroin totally, the methadone can come next. You can do it Gledwood.

  2. Sad to hear you scored heroin but at least you're trying to cut down on everything Gleds. x

  3. Well once a week is better than you've been doing in the past so good on you.


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