Thursday, August 25, 2011

Missed the Bloods

I WAS SUPPOSED TO GET UP EARLY TO HAVE A BLOOD TEST this morning. Instead I had multiple nightmares about giving up alcohol and somehow coming into vast amounts of money. Then I had another nightmare about Russian submarines and the smallpox virus. Very vivid dreams. Then I woke up feeling ravenous because I am supposed to fast 12 hours before this mystery blood test that I don't even understand. For some reason they want lipids (cholesterol), some blood count, glucose, electrolytes and something else measured. How will they ever find a vein?? Probably straight away knowing my mysterious body. I am really not looking forward to what is labelled a "sharp scratch" but is actually a highly intrusive, assaultive, abusive STAB STAB STAB STAB STAB POKE PRY POKE POKE no thanks. Yes I have a needle fixation. The type where you don't like being stabbed by others. (Which is apparently not uncommon.) The methadone clinic also want an electrocardiogram, which I don't mind ~ it's noninvasive.

None of these tests involve appointments by the way; you just turn up and get tested in office hours...

Mrs Li is still teaching me to tell the time. You say that it's five bits two dots ~ meaning "five minutes past two". Come to think of it a minute means something minute ie a little bit. So the Chinese word means the same. O'clock is dian zhong 点钟. Zhong means the middle as in Zhongguo 中国 (China) ~ the Middle Country. But of course it's a different zhong. But the phonetic 中 lurks to the right hand side of the other zhong 钟 ~ nobody can say Chinese is not phonetic. It's just not an ABC. It is phonetic though.

I've sorted out my state benefits at LAST. I had to run about getting proof of this that and the other. Deshane the support worker needs these to prove who I am! Then I can eventually move house. And away from the London Borough of Unfathomably Evil, where I currently live and unwittingly moved not realizing I was messing my life up in so doing.

I am hoping to get a pensioners' bus pass soon.

I am less depressed than yesterday and a lot less than the day before and a hell of a lot less than on Monday. My sleep has shrivelled down to a mere 11 hours which is good for me. I'm trying to stay awake all day, to be good. Then sleep shouldn't hit me like a disease in the night, causing me to be unconscious at the wrong times.

Sorry this is boring. Everything is very in-between today.

I hope y'all are OK.

Illustrated: is a bathysphere really that comfy? I'd assumed you'd be cramped knees to chin...!


  1. I have been down in a submersible to 2000 m. The front part looks a lot like this. Google the submersible Alvin from Woods Hole and you will see what it looks like.

  2. I thought this post wasn't boring, i thought it was interesting. It's encouraging to see you looking after yourself. Sometimes you take a step back, but lately i think you've been doing brilliantly. Cheering you on, safe journey, Paulg, i thought it was interesting. It's encouraging to see you looking after yourself. Sometimes you take a step back, but lately i think you've been doing brilliantly. Cheering you on, safe journey, Paul

  3. That came out double, i'm typing from my mobile, so i'm not sure what happened there, or maybe, i meant to say, that what ever i said i mean it twice as much, yeah, i'll go with that. Hope your well, Paul

  4. My eldest son is terrified of needles, it's a common fear Gleds.

    Glad to hear you have got your benefits sorted.

  5. I think it's hilarious that you have no problem sticking a needle between your toes but are scared of a blood test. Silly man should have gone. Then you know how I feel about you being lucky to have all this medical support around you and bitching about it. Sorry that sound's cranky, I'm not. Just frustrated but . .oh never mind. If I could sleep for six hours I'd be a happy camper. Eleven hours! I'd kill for six

  6. Thanks for the answers; I answered them in today's post with the Chinese "heart" calligraphy............

  7. I hope your test go well, Gled.

    Speaking of reactions to things, I have found in the last year my claustrophobia has gotten worse. I don't know how, it's not like I'm doing anything different. I live in the same house I've lived in for the last twenty years, however I do dry a smaller car than two years ago.

    All I could think of looking at the size of that tiny-tiny sub is--I'd never be able to do it. I'd be demanding to be let out and piddling my pants when it didn't happen fast enough.



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