Saturday, August 27, 2011

QUETIAPINE, aka Seroquel, the antipsychotic I said I'd rather be on than risperidone, has mysteriously found its way en masse into boxes of Neurofen (ibuprofen) headache pills!

Sky News says:

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued a safety warning following reports that some boxes may contain Seroquel XL 50mg.

Seroquel XL is a prescription-only anti-psychotic drug used to treat disorders including schizophrenia, mania and bipolar depression.

The mix-up is believed to have happened at a wholesaler's and so far three cases have been identified in the south London area.

See! Ordinary people recoil in horror at the prospect of taking even 2x50mg quetiapine into their bodies. I would probably be dosed at 300-350mg at night. My friend who also has schizoaffective gets 700mg at night. That's 14 of those stray pills!


I slept nearly all day today, woke up with a taste for Chinese food only to find my best local takeaway SHUT at only 10 past 10. This is the one who put mangetout in the mixed vegetable fried rice. The second choice takeaway tip in Iceland's own frozen mixed vegetables: cubed carrots; peas; sweetcorn. Nah! I could do with a chicken and baby corn with curry sauce. Plus egg fried rice. Hey that's making me hungry again...

I was watching Ugly Betty on DVD. Lots of people say they don't like that show. Presumably because it pokes fun at Betty. What they don't realize is you watch it the other way round. Betty is loyal, resourceful, very intelligent and a good person. Despite great opposition she makes her way in a world that mocks and derides her. THAT is why I watch Ugly Betty.

The bit where she skulks into the canteen with everybody smirking at her, is just like entering McDonalds during a paranoid episode. Everybody seemed to be talking to, at or about ME. So I had to ignore everyone and only interact with the girl behind the till, who was gazing at me with a most peculiar look in her eye...

Anyway it's not like that today. I was just saying. Today I am fine. Today all is good.

I can't get my little computer open. I tried and tried unscrewing the back where some cable is at fault, yet cannot do it.

So it's gonna have to go into hospital.

Hey maybe I should have chicken and babycorn in curry sauce with egg fried rice in compensation...

I hope you all are having a splendiferous weekend...


  1. If you have the right size and type of screwdriver, press purposefully down on the head rather than half heartedly. Sometimes they have used threadlock on the screws and if you are luckly you will hear a slight click when you break the seal, and the screw will then cooperate. Avoid damaging the screw head - use the correct size and shaped screwdriver. :-)

  2. You got it right, Gled.

    Ugly Betty, is about a wonderful loyal, resourceful, very intelligent and a good person. Despite great opposition she makes her way in a world that mocks and derides her.

    I don't watch Ugly Betty because of the memories of high school it invokes.


  3. Glad that you are having a good weekend. It has been okay here in spite of tropical storm warnings.

  4. <>

    still lovin your writing

  5. Good to see you in higher spirits Gleds. How can you afford all that take away? I'm struggling to meet bank on home made salad! 14 tabs at night? Jesus it's a wonder you're not comatose.

  6. Baino I answered you today in the post.

    I'm glad someone else gets Ugly Betty, Janice. She reminds me of me.

    Hi Lizzy I hope you're OK.

    I hope you didn't get blown away by Hurricane Vicious, Syd.

    Thanks OW I tried but still can't get the stupid thing open it's going to have to go to Computer Clinic...

    Majid I don't know you and it looks like spam but I will have a look....


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