Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Report

IT WAS A VERY QUIET DAY I had hot chicken Madras (supermarket stylee) and a bottle of fake Baileys and watched the Queen's Speech at 3pm (British tradition). That was about it. Then I took some Valium and fell into merciful sleep. Anything that helps one escape Xmas is an excellent thing in my book...!

But having said that:

I hope y'all had a good one.





  1. Glad you are surviving.

    You probably already know but every time I try to come I get a big warning saying that you have stuff from that is known to distribute malware.

    Have a happier New Year!

  2. A good way to get through the day. It's always an anti climax

  3. Yeah me too on the "fake Baileys" bit moreish innit? This is my first night with no gear since ??? I cant remember how long . . . my quota dint quite last and "The man" away for a night . . . I'm sure I'll survive. In fact so far it feels pretty much the same as any other evening. Take care with love x

  4. Same shit, different day. At least its over for another year.
    xo Lilly

  5. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! May all your wishes cometrue.

  6. Jeannie: I know about the Malware warning but don't know what widget comes from that company to get rid of it.

    Jams: best Xmas dinner I ever had was a rack of beef! That was amazing. But xmas usually is an anticlimax with crap on TV when you want to watch TV then you realize you missed something really great on another channel!

    Buggerlugz: it never does last does it. Da man was probably doing you a fava by not being on. Then again who the hell does he think he is taking your dosh all year round then thinking he's entitled to Xmas off!!!!!!

    Lilly: well put ;-)

    Anna Grace: I actually do have a wish. A real respectable one that could really come true if only I put some work and some money behind it...

    I hope all your wishes come true too....


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