Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I won the lottery!

I TOOK IN 5 OLD EUROMILLIONS tickets to my local shop to be barcode-checked and guess what? On Friday 21 October I won £3.20!!!

That's all of FIVE US dollars.

I didn't know it was possible to win so little but I still walked off in a daze, daydreaming about living up a yuppie tower block with Sky TV and a new computer.

I spent about half the money on a half litre of Fizz cherry flavour cyder, which is made in Lithuania.

Hey I found a great new blog at Lilly's place Drop by!


Not as cheesy as it could be
chill out dance version
actually i really like this it's the sort of music the Queen would listen to if she and Prince Philip dropped Es together after a long day's ribbon-cutting...

This is more Prince Edward's style, methinks...

... and Princess Ann mellowing out with a spliff....


  1. Gled's can you buy me an Aston Martin then?... oh just seen the amount ;-)

  2. Congratulations. You won't let it change you life then? ;)

  3. hey mate, thanks for recommending my blog, its done more for my stats and comments that any other way.
    im a bit rattled right now so i might stop back past later.
    xo lilly

  4. Two of the first tunes I learnt on piano when I re-started, I love Canon's Pachebel, got it on vinyl too, before it was popular and Fur Elise. Good tunes to play.
    Just got in from Asda £150 gone!! I looked at the rustlers burgers and thought of YOU!! they on roll back at £1 each. . . Bargain. Ok once "the man" back with my Christmas order (soon hopefully). . . Thats me ready!!
    Wish you lived nearer and could pop round for a Criggy Cider . . Then again you probably wouldn't. We could have menopausal moans together ;-) O what fun!
    Love as always

  5. Wow riches beyond belief... (Ie I can't believe how little I've won!) Still its more than I've won on a lottery ticket in ages

  6. Furtheron: i was going to get you a jag, won't that be good enough 4 ya?

    Akelamalu: nothing will change me. Especially when I won £100,000,000 on Euromillions!

    Lilly: you're welcome. Get some sleep if that's what you need. (Speed and all...) Last time I was on speed 6 lines of sulphate kept me awake for 3 days straight. I took 'em on Monday and by Wednesday I was still speeding out of my box. Either that or it was one of those mysterious designer drugs ... I DID find it in a tobacco tin on the street...

    Buggerlugz: yeah I wish I lived near you. I only buy the bugers when they're £1 each. The £2.20 anguses were pure desperation. And you know I bought 9 or 10 on Monday and only have one left now!

    Jams: I didn't even know it was possible to win so little. Why don't they make the poor downtrodden masses forgo their £3.20 prizes and umph up the jackpot even more ~ mass hysteria! That's what lotteries are all about!!

  7. Then again remember "lottery extra" which was jackpot only for £1. I never bothered with that...

    Euromillions costs TWO POUNDS A GO WHAT A RIPOFF!!

  8. Not been online much but wanted to say have a good xmas whatever your doin mate ;)


  9. Im a grade 8 pianist btw :)

  10. I did nothing at all on Xmas day except eat a Morrisons hot chicken Madras with rice.

    Grade 8 piano. Why don't you get a job tinkling the ivories somewhere like the upstairs bar at Harvey Nicks. There's ALWAYS jobs going for pianists at hotels and places like that... Just a thought!


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