Monday, March 05, 2007

Miserable on Monday

IT'S BEEN ONE HELL of a miserable weekend, waiting, waiting on one thing to make it feel better. Today was kept waiting for four hours at Mother Hubbard's house. All manner of dreadful thoughts had been going through my mind ... little positive for me to say. I'm going to give the two best Youtube links below. Have a click and see whether you like them...

1. Nora the Piano-Playing Cat

2. Michael Jackson's Thriller Wedding Video

Do tell what you think~!!


  1. sorry to hear that gleds. Mine wasn't great either...I hate all this "do nothingness". We'll both get on track soon, won't we?

    I love both of the videos...I stole the kitty one for my blog because I really wanted tc to see it. And I love the MJ one - looks like a lot of fun.

  2. I think the cat just likes the feel of the keys and I think the MJ video is cool. I have a wedding coming up myself (not my own! ;-) and am now considering doing this hehe.

    I hope you'll feel better soon mate.

  3. Hi Gleds...great vids. Wish you could feel more positive...what more can I say?

  4. still in my prayers...

  5. Hi I wait that its week is better… Sabrina

  6. My cat voted for the kitty vid... hope you're feeling a bit more positive today. I'm thinking of you!


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