Sunday, May 06, 2007


How the hell did I get listed on Technorati?

Not like it was a point of pride... More a point of ignorance-fuelled difference. I'd loved to have been on Technorati months ago but hadn't a clue how to transfer the html code for their little banner. So I got restricted to a couple of bloggers' catalogues that did not insist on a reciprocal link (like Bloggershomepage).

Whoever put me there -- I'm flattered. But how did I get there? Am I properly there? In Technorati's exhaustive blog catalogue? Click the top purple link ("how the hell ..."), someone, and explain. Thank you.


Here's an entertaining blog I found via Next Blog, not Technorati: lavatorylady.blogspot. You'll be flushed with fun when you visit her ...


  1. Their website doesn't even open in my browser, it appears as text format. I don't know what type of code they're using but it's probably been put together by a 17-year old gamer on a Windows machine.

  2. That's wild. Congrats on the entry.

  3. hey! tnx 4 your visit on my site. my blog was listed in technorati too even i didnt sign up before. but anyway, i membered in technorati last month and i don't see the site's purpose other than knowing who's linked with u.

    i hope you visit again my site. and feel free to comment always.



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