Monday, June 25, 2007

Horrour Dreamings

JUST SCARED THE LIVING CRAP out of myself by waking from a nightmare speaking in a guttural horror-film voice "we'll dig them out from underneath" ... we were in caves under the world's deepest lake where Princess Diana was buried (??) I was about to bury my friend alive who had severely cheated me into this horrible dank dungeonous lake which was so deep you could fit Mount Everest upside down. Then I was riding the back engine of a train with my legs stuck inside but my entire body outside and a very close tunnel coming up. Eventually I struggled free. Only to to attacking somebody I know with an enormous pair of bolt-cutters. All this sounds farcical but trust me the atmosphere of the dream was dank and dark and horrible. (But farcical as well.) I woke up thinking of a film I saw in the picture-house called Jeepers Creepers or Jeepers Creepers II I don't remember which. Nasty! Ukk. Nightmares. No!


  1. Yikes! I hate how a bad dream feeling lingers :O( I always find it quite hard to shake off....luckily I havent had one in a while! XO

  2. When you write them down right after the dream they seem to make sense...a couple months later when you read's like "What was I drinking that night???

  3. Don't like bad dreams, the feeling hangs around for ages after I wake up. Fortunately I don't have them often but when I do, they always involve people I love...shudder...bloody awful!

  4. hi gled

    thanx thanx thanx for your reaction. no i haven't left yet, but leaving on saturday.sorry for writing the blog in dutch, but my head is full of stuff so writing is easier then. i was thinking on starting on centro america, and then fly to bangkok.
    but don't know yet.
    looking forward to be keeping in touch once in a while. ciao! claire

  5. what an horrible nightmare...must be hard to get out of it...but I think sometimes help our subconscious to sort things out...may be...
    anyway, have a very nice day dear

  6. What an odd dream - very peculiar indeed. Have you ever had Freudian analysis? The sense of powerlessness and out of control events could be indicative of something... also the supposed connections to the world famous - even if dead.

  7. omg.. *faints* ick! nightmares!
    hope u get better dreams soon!

  8. I hate bad dreams - it usually means something isn't right in my life! I see you are still struggling with whether to take the rehab step. I am thinking it would be a huge and rather anxiety provoking spot for you to be in - maybe it is crossing over into your dreams. I wish you peaceful sleep!

  9. Mellowlee: yepp! And I terrified myself by waking self speaking in that horrid guttural throaty voice. Ukk!

    Tom: you're right often I can come up with a pretty reasonable (seeming) interpretation just after the event ... dreams fade though, fade bad ...

    Puss-in-Boots: Mine don't usually involve loved-ones except in the background. Usually during the worst part I'm on my own (how typical. Just as in life!) ...

  10. Claire: as I said the word I picked up on was "morgen" (that does mean tomorrow, right?) ... assumed you were leaving some day before yesterday ... glad you've not gone quite yet ... as I said please stay in touch when you go; I know you can't be in touch every day but once a month or so ... please..?

    Mousey: yeah I'm okay now ... did it come over as horrible as it was? I was quite lucky that night to actually remember so much of it... I think the dream had been recurring over a couple of hours. I'm fairly OK. How are you?

    Mutleythedog: I've never had dream analysis ... can I get it? If so how? Where? Please tell me!

  11. Edyta: To the best of my knowledge I've dreamt nothing since. (And I don't believe in that psychologists' claptrap about you spend X-amount of your time dreaming every night... That means you spend X-amount of time in REM-stage sleep and if woken can recount thoughts you were thinking. They are not to my mind the same as full-blown dreams. So there, psychologists!!

    Kahshe Cottager: I think you're right it is anxiety over what to do next ... (although it cannot be literally next week as I've to go through a lengthy form-filling process to get funding/etc ...)

  12. What a very intriguing blog and a talented writer. Thanks for the invitation to come here.

  13. I have nightmares about 'Jeepers Creapers'. I've watched the film and hammering on the pay booth, pleading for my money back.

  14. This would make a great music video Gled!


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