Sunday, August 05, 2007


IT IS ABSOLUTELY BOILING HOT TODAY. I just tried checking the weather via Google. Not much by way of sense was obtained. The average temperature report seems to be about 30C which is 86F (I think). And humidity 40%. But some websites like are saying it is "59F" - I mean, where do they get that figure from~?? I woke at 5am it was still intolerably hot. Had to switch on fan. Fan still on. Afternoon really hot. Feels more like 90F than just 80something. This town was not built for heat. Underground is horrible in this type of weather. Buses are more intolerable. Air con: only supermarkets have it and posh offices and places like Harrods. I am retiring to bath. It is too hot.


  1. I always find the heat easier to deal with when I'm not doing coke, not drinking, and eating light . . .

  2. yeah since i got opiated i have found summer impossible to deal with cept when its not hot...

  3. it's been really hot here as well but, luckily, we've had a nice breeze to help with that.

    I can't stand the heat anymore...used to be a sun bum and loved it. I guess I'm getting old.

  4. Hi gleds,
    Thanks for stopping by.

    It's crazy how we wish for summer and when it arrives we complain.

    I visit here every so often to see how you are doing. I saw you had added me to your blogroll, just checked and the link is wrong. It's You have put a hyphen between nobody and important. Easy to fix
    Take care of yourself

  5. Okay, stop bragging! LOL

    I'm sitting in a modest +15C, in the middle of a VERY rainy and windy summer, so yes, scorching heat is making me jealous...



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