Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ghkky Day

WHAT A DRY DRAB BORING DULL execrable excretionary not excellent swinely swooshing swoon of a day. Ukk everything is interminable blocklike brickdust dull disordinary disordered yukky pukky ukk. Gh! Too tired too long too grey too slow too everything too nothing at once and everywhere to go yet too tired. Ukk!


Video of the day:
Whitney Goes Crackwhoreing


  1. 47% Quirky
    "You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.
    Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!"

    I guess that's about right.

    It's cloudy and rainy here today. One could become depressed and blue or one could enjoy the weather. I choose to do the second.

    Take care! :)

  2. the weather ain't the problem here today!

  3. Hey, Gledwood. I see you meandered over to look at the culinary disaster at my place. I'm embarrassed that you would find me in such a state of disarray. I want to check out you "Britney" stuff, but I have to wait until I get home because it won't load here at work (what control freaks they are). I took the "what kind of cook are you" quiz. It seemed timely.

  4. So sorry, so bad.
    A drag you're sad.
    a drag is a drag
    Oh well, be glad,
    You're Gled
    and not dead.

  5. Your Quirk Factor: 59%

    You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.
    Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them! HAHAHAHA....

    That Britney stuff is so sad....


  6. I finally completed the challenge you sent my way ... it took me long enough didn't it?!

  7. I feel the same way today. Tuesday's are always a drag at work because I have to work on a project for a New York client and they have no idea about the time difference and so I never get anything done on time. Apart from that the weather is horrid here and it's only a few more weeks before Vincent and I head off to Australia. We've got so much to do and organise and it's making us very tired.

    Right. I'm off to get some sleep now. Have to go and waste some more of my life working tomorrow.

  8. Yo Gled:

    That Britney clip is quite disturbing. The sleaze who filmed that was her retarded loser ex Kevin Federline wasn't it?! I saw it months ago, before she'd divorced the creep.

    Speaking of poor crazy BRIT-ney (excuse the pun), what in God's good name is wrong with Amy Winehouse! And Brit got charged with a hit and run and suspended license driving here in Los Angeles just this week!

    It's tough to be a pop star, on both sides of the Atlantic!

  9. Kate: if you hadn't labelled it as such the term "culinary disaster" would never have entered my head. It just looked like a lot of my cooking

    Jim: not dead? Not yet haha!

    Odat: Britney Spears - never has one person's personal strife been watched by so many when it ought to be by so few... whoeah! I'm getting Churchillian here

  10. Kahshe: well I got tagged 3 times about 4 months ago and haven't done a single one of 'em!!

    Nicole: good luck with the leaving. Ooh what a long way to go etc etc and getting stuff shipped over. I was shocked at how CHEAP it was to get a roomfull of stuff sent between this country and Colorado... only £500 I would have thought it cost far more...

    Wat: oh i thought you meant Amy Winehouse got charged with hit-&-run... that was Britney Spears? I'm just out buying The Sun to investigate...

  11. Its the Full Moon. I didnt sleep a wink last night. Today is gonna be a real drag.

  12. Didn't sleep a WINK???!
    I slept over 15 hours!!!!

  13. We are having 6 cubic metres shipped over and that will cost around 3000 Euro. It's quite expensive I think. I guess it's a little further than Colorado.

  14. A LOT further... does it go by ship then?

    Also I think they probably had about half that...

    3000 euro... what's that about £2000

    hmmm not that cheap

    My thoughts are with you throughout the inevitable screamy-exhaustion trauma of moving 1/2 way round the world. Ukk!

    (why do people call Australia halfway round the world when it's as far as you can get from here??)...

    have you got jobs and everything sorted?


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