Thursday, January 24, 2008

All Creatures Great and Small

(THOSE SHOWN HERE ARE CRITTERS COMMONLY KEPT AS PETS)... bottom left we have an African Pygmy Mouse which is even smaller than a harvest mouse, being about 3cm long... bottom right a Roborovski Hamster of course... about 6cm long but much rounder in the body; these are the smallest hamsters in the world (and the least tame!) TOP: is Hercules, the world's largest dog... in comparison (as you can see ~ duh!) with a horse!... he is an English Mastiff, just like my legendary (and fictional) Gwendolina... the slavering hellhound who chews dolls and pram wheels and bays at the kitchen light...

Have an entertaining day folks!!

I've just heard that Hercules dog is CGI! Looking closely he does have a slightly shiny outline so... here's a new photo (white dog, top) of another "world's largest dog"... Moose... who weighs 286lbs...


PS: If you want to see some real Russian "роборовски"s, clickonthatRussianword...


  1. Cute little rodents. Alas, I have but my computer mouse here with me. But at least it doesn't eat much:) Nice touch adding the tapemeasure in the picture.

  2. I looked up "pygmy mouse" on youtube and ended up with a silly ad for "the smallest (computer) mouse in the world"!

  3. We had hamsters when we were little and gerbils too. So cute!

    OMG that is one f'in HUGE dog.

  4. I bet the dog weighs more than the horse... looks far meatier (if you ever get hungry and desperate...)

  5. Yes, that is one large canine. I'd hate to pay that feed bill, my shep (Alsation to you blokes) is hungry enough.

  6. Why is a Harvest MOUSE a HAMPSTER?

    You never told me what kind of place you are living in now, I guess I will have to read this new blog since I enjoyed reading the first one (although I think I readit backwards). I took my methadone 4 or so hours early and read it non-stop. Did you see the kitten that snuck into the luggage of this dude and on top of it, the wrong guy opened the wrong suitcase and the kitten went running but was eventually returned to its owners who has already plastered the phone poles with "REWARD: Missing Kitten" posters! I dont like cats to much as I am a dog person but when the schitzophrenic lady I take care of told me that hamsters have emotions I looked it up and low and behold hamsters can get depressed! I never would have thought. I know I like hammies more than cats. Late Gleds-- E

  7. Well, they say that either walking a dog or a baby in the park is a great way to pick up women.

    Apparently, if you walk the world's largest dog, you pick up a woman with a pony.

    If he would get a baby and put a riding seat on top of the world's largest dog--I'll bet he would pick up two Japanese twins with an elephant.

  8. That is one huge ass dog!

    I wouldn't want to be the one on poop patrol that is for sure!

  9. That dog is ENORMOUS!!! And what cute little critters!

  10. Whitenoise: that dog must cost about £5 a day at least to eat... what would it do in the wild? Eat other dogs probably...

    E: No connexion except for the rodent one I once saw some live in a special wildlife park setup huge tank thing with maize growing in it and all these tiny mice climbing up and down so when they came to mind again decided to post youtubes of 'em that is all... yeah I have a depressed Chinese hamster he has access to wheels and everything just prefers staying in bed all day! Maybe I ought to put Prozac in waterbottle... maybe not

    Zen: I was wondering whether a grown man could ride on that dogs back. Surely it is big enough...

  11. Preposterous: ugh DON'T I have a steaming great turd image emblazoned on my brain now... urk!.. now I can SMELL it...

    Nessa: big? e-bloody-normous!

    Ann: yeah. robos! those pygmy mouse when I googled them 1st time I spelt it pigmy and nothing came up I'd like to get some of them

  12. OMG (squeals of stereotypical female glee) ... they are adorable and cuddly and tiny!

    On the other hand, Amy Winehouse ...what's up. I think the videographer is the one who hit the pipe first. But I got the gist of it ;)

  13. If you can believe it...I have a friend who breeds, trains, and shows these mastiffs. She adores them! In fact, she has transformed her entire house into a play area for them!

    I think I may prefer the tiny hamster....mouse? I don't know!

  14. I am not sure if those are cute or scary!

    Not sure which of your blogs you do a TT on, but thanks for visiting mine!

  15. Hi,

    OMG, that's a DOG???

    I thought it was CGI?

    That's something that LOR might have for the Goblin's to ride.

    It must use real car tires for chew toys.


  16. Hi Gleds, my vets had that same photo on their wall until they found out it was one of those digitally enhanced jobs *!*

  17. Aintnever: Winehouse is truly "cracked" in every way... those tiny tubbies are v nice ... but those African Pygmy mice ... I have seen insects with more bodyweight than those!

    Queenof..: I opted for DWARF hamsters bc they were the tiniest and least demanding yet also furry and cute pets I could think of... plus unlike fish (which I really wanted... plus African dwarf frogs (why do all dwarves and pygmies seem to come from Africa?!))... no need to hulk kg upon kgs of WATER around and worry about fly spray (which kills them and we still have enough bugs for 2 episodes of I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here in my house...

    Tommie: what does TT mean? it is not something rude? like short for "tit" without the "i"..?

    Janice: probably it DOES chew real tyres... plus I just found out it quite possibly MIGHT be bloody FALSE I'm sorry

    Bimbimbie: ... ark! That is so typical!! Yet I crosschecked the website that should come up in pink when you first read the "blob"... well I found another even bigger (maybe) looking white dog!!

  18. Hi Gleds .... It was a very convincing photo in the vets surgery at the time, had me fooled I went home and told hubby all about it ... must have had the vets fooled too if they had it on their wall!!

    do you know of this site

    it has a large and small section too and Moose is on there with a sad footnote.


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