Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Watch the Best of British TV...

THE BBC HAVE JUST LAUNCHED THEIR SO-CALLED I-PLAYER, an online VCR type device that allows you to view any of their major TV programmes within a week of first airing.

To use it, go to:

... select what you want ... and view on your computer.

This should work anywhere in the world - ye expats out there! If it doesn't, please let me know .... many thanks...

ps: if you're really stuck for something to pick; click "categories", choose "drama" ~ select Holby City or Eastenders....


OK re "MARS PICTURES"... THIS is what Ruth told me to look at... it's a humanoid "person"-type figure on Mars as photographed by Nasa...


  1. i love amy's music. i posted about her a while ago, so, sadly, i echo your sentiments...

  2. wonder how long SHE'S gonna last...

  3. I clicked on 6 or 7 different programs and it said the same thing. Only available in the U.K.
    Due to licensing, etc.
    It also said that it was working on the international bla bla maybe later it will work.
    oh well.
    I'm loaded with BBC TV on DVD anyway.

  4. grrr! how did I KNOW that would happen... bloody typical!!

  5. I have to wonder about Amy too, her and Pete Doherty are drugs personified! I am adding you to my blogroll. Hope you don't mind!

  6. Hye there! Thanks for stopping by and saying hello! You're in London? I love London!! Awesome city.
    Re your comment: I drove through a hail storm once and while it didn't crack any windows, it damaged my car pretty badly. The car wasn't even a year old either!

  7. BBC iplayer - just as jim dandy mentioned UK only viewing at the mo.

    I love your new id photo ... very studious looking. Smiles *!*

  8. I wish I could perch effortlessly on a blade of grass....ho hum.

  9. I was laughing so hard at that one little mouse that kept getting thrown out of the wheel. Bless his heart, he just kept on trying.

  10. Hi, Gleds. Sadly, I am getting a message that says "Only available to view in UK". I wanna know what happened in Holby City!!

  11. Works fine here!

    What would you recommend as a British?

  12. Darn. No BBC iplayer for us here in the States. We'll just have to stick with GledTV. It's better anyway. Haha.

  13. oh i've been meaning to check out that TV thing, thanx.

    those mice are so so sweet. the one on the grass stalk can't make up her mind, can she? i love how she balances with her tail on the way down

  14. ( I esp. like your pandable avatar - also so so sweet)

  15. Gleds, re that piece you wrote about Whitehouse: no, I meant submit as a freelance piece. Try the Guardian or the Independent maybe. Give them a little of your background and the piece. It's worth trying I think. Hang on, I'll go and see if they have a place to submit to.

    Righto:,5814,180763,00.html for contributors' guidelines

    the Independent isn't so helpful:

  16. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog.
    The iPlayer is great as I use it to catch up with Doctors. It's got over the teething problems it had and I wouldn't be without it now :).

  17. Damn, Gleds. You had my hopes up with that video thing. I love British t.v.

    Amy Winehouse breaks my heart. As did Janis, as did Billie. She doesn't seem too motivated to me and you know how important motivation is.

    Sorry I've been missing you, Gleds. Too much going on. Happy happy new year a little late.

  18. Doesn't work in Canada either Gleds. Sometimes the radio does but not the TV. I don't understand.
    Your new avatar is very nice. Such a serious fellow. Not at all laid back like me!


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