Sunday, June 22, 2008

"Come Outside You Fatties!"

MY TUBBY TROTTERS GOT CLEANED OUT, had a "dust bath" (at least a woodshavings bath) for a couple of hours in their diggery today and, last thing I saw, were pinging back and forth like a furry horse-race around their obstacle-course of a home. Lots of tubes: long and narrow clingfilm ones, giant echoey toilet paper ones; boxes full of chewed up newspaper bedding, chewed-out dog-kennel box that they once slept in literally in a pile of three each atop another with Spherical at the top and Itchy right at the bottom!... and so on and so on...

Spherical glared at me with high suspicion earlier and seemed to say: "three things matey-boy, before you say anything

1. yes I have, as you so pathetically and squeaky-voicedly persist in asking "been trotting on my wheel" you know that's just about the only hobby apart from being abandoned for so many hours on end in that God-forsaken "diggery" that we finally give up, make nests and fall asleep in the dust that we ever get!

2. no I most thoroughly do NOT enjoy being poked by the end of your index-finger, whether you call it "stroking" me or not!

3. I did hear you calling me a "fat old swine" the other day and shall never forgive you for it!

Ooer. Sorry, Spherical!!

All righty: as per usual time's running low so I've gotta run, like the Tubby Trotters on their wheel... yes with Itchy's Daz-white undercarriage flashing round and round and round as the great mother-figure Spherical determinedly thunders ever onwards with her poor slim daughter Itchy stuck on the wheel and hanging on for dear life!

Coldplay: Fix You

I'm posting this for someone special because they say this song reminds them of me(!) And not a pun from the title, either.

Also I'm pretty SURE I used to go to 24-hour parties called The Warp at that club that's in that rail-tunnel. It's near Waterloo station, just round the corner from the London Dungeon, the capacity crowd is over 3000 and the club is huge!

The second scene shows a road sign mentioning King's Cross. This has long been a place of open despair: well known for easy prostitution and the overt sale and use of hard drugs and a mainline rail station where I actually have seen the proverbial lost-looking teenager with a packed-up bag and seemingly nowhere to go and of course I did nothing (what could I do?) but thought "what on earth are you doing here..??"... and wondered, if they did stay, how long the shadows of the place would take to get at them...

The third scene on the bridge shows a very famous view across the Thames at night...


  1. Are you feeling more hopeful?

  2. Those tubbies are ROUND! Can't do better than trying... ;)

  3. Well, Gleds, you've certainly had a week of it. Let's hope the urge to stop using wouldn't that be great?

    Hopefully, this is a crossroads, for the better. Fingers crossed.

    Glad the teletubby robos are still keeping you company...even if Spherical is very haughty with it all. Amazing how animals know they're so much more evolved than we humans are...and don't mind in the slightest rubbing our noses in that fact.

    Have a good week, my friend.


  4. I was so glad to see that you stopped by gleds...sorry to have bored you to death with football/hockey talk over there! That's quite a scare - the lighter/toaster mishap. I'd cry too - for a week probably.

    Anyhow, this post made me laugh...I can imagine your trotters saying that to you!

  5. I can see it now Gleds The Tubby Trotters in hardback for children, just love reading about them and the way you write about them makes them so real even on the other side of this screen. Great song, Coldplay are one of my favourite groups....which bridge did they film on do you know???

    Have a good week Gleds x Auds

  6. Hey at least you weren't that person with the packed bag at the rail station with nowhere to go and the shadows trying to get at you. That gives me the shivers .. Brrrr!!!!

    The tubby trotters make me smile!

  7. ok it is me i just had to log out as time nearly all GONE

    TUT: yeah thanks!

    ANON: I know VERY round!!

    PUSS: I hope it does stay

    DEBS: Spherical really does look at me with such baleful and HIGHLY suspicious eyes sometimes!

    AUDS: maybe one day that book WILL come out... re the bridge possibly the one nearest Pimlico tube..?

    MONOGRAM: yeah if it had all happened at that age I don't know I'd have made it...


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