Friday, October 31, 2008

Je Suis Un Rosbif

OUI oui, ou la la as they say in France I'm a real rosbif (as the Frogs call us).

I was wondering why the steak hardly went anywhere last time
(I put in half what I'd bought)... until I checked the fridge this morning only to find about two thirds of the original purchase left.

This I cooked in traditional rosbif style, or rather the style of my own, which is to fry it up, add onions and mushrooms, turf into a more permanent lidded pot with a bit of water, chuck spices on top (fewer than last time for a more stately dinner), allowed it to bubble on setting #1 for about three hours until it was tender enough to cut with the side of a teaspoon.

This I had with baby potatoes (boiled freshly and separately) and heaps of petits pois. The gravy came out particularly nice. Hey I'm learning (slowly). The onion mushroom gravy was pretty fabulous.

Still no keys!

Haven't got round to contacting the landord yet. I can't face stuff like that.

Really I feel pretty depressed all the time. That is why I fixate on these petty things I blog about; they are my only claim to sanity(!)

Sorry I have not been good at keeping in touch anywhere near as well as I'd like with anyone. I need a proper computer account. Fell out with the last cafe owner as his nonfirewalled nonprotected computers were apt to crash what with my fishing things in and out of youtube and jumping in and out of blogs. He assumed I was doing something peculiar and said basically I couldn't buy time there anymore, so...

Anyway, I know hardly anything about classical music. Like most people, I just know what I like from TV and films. I've had to make a great effort to learn who any of the tunes I know are by let alone what they're actually called. I'd say this is my favourite tune of all time:~

Mozart: Lacrimosa/Requiem
This is what I call sublime...

And this the Tekno'd up "mix". Volume LOUD, please...

PS Do you like my illustration? In case you're foreign the cup-shaped battery object is Yorkshire pudding and no Sunday lunch is complete without it!


  1. honey you fixate all day long if it keeps the demons away.

  2. I want pot roast now!!! that food is making me salivate and drool. Have you managed to find your keys yet frustrating,very often I turn my house upside down only to find them in my pocket,drives me crazy Im always loosing keys, glasses etc........hope they turn up soon

  3. Gleds does your library have internet? They're usually fast and reliable here and you won't get tossed out of a library unless it's closing time. I agree with fire byrd, twitter away . . God I haven't had Yorkshire pudding since my mother passed away, I just can't make it. We used to have it with golden syrup poured on it as well. What have you been up to? How do you fill your day?

  4. Hi Gleds ... with you on the classical music, ears know what they like or not - but I do like a good requiem I must admit.

    Been a while since I had some Yorkshire pud too.

    Hope those keys of yours turn up soon*!*

  5. One look at that dinner plate and I was ready to eat! Goodness that looked yummy. I love Yorkshire pudding too and have to make double batches to keep my family happy. Hmmm maybe this weekend! See what you've started? Keep this up and you will become a famous blogging Chef!

    Good luck with the keys and that was a good suggestion to try the library - computer access is free in ours!

  6. Mmmmm.

    You eat well.

    I love Yorkies actually.

    Landlords, a real pain. I have to go through Town and Country because I think mine lives abroad.

  7. Ah ah, espèce de rosbif! :D

    Between us, I have never understood why French would call English rostbif. But hey, why not.

  8. If your descriptions are anything to go by you're becoming a really good cook Gleds. :)

  9. i don't know even if i'm french why we tell you rosbif...
    and frogs... well, actually we don't eat frogs... (i have never eaten frogs)
    I read your blog some months ago and stopped reading it, but now i'm back! see you!!

  10. That picture of the roast dinner is making me hungry for it and it's only 10am here! I think the best roast dinner I have ever had in my life was in England at a country pub (shhhh! don't tell my Grandma).

  11. your dinner looks fab .. would go great with one of my home made cakes :-)

  12. The dinner was quite wondrous, in fact... fixate.. fixate... what was I fixating upon??...

    i cannot use the library internet because my ticket is STILL "blockaded" a full decade after running up £35 in late return fines....

    ps did you know the govt. keep lists of every book you take out, every site you visit online... everything (as if fledgling terrorists are going to research bombmaking techniques against their own name!! and anything vaguer than that would be meaningless information anyway. I think they just enjoy drowning in useless data ;->...


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