Friday, November 14, 2008

Better Sight Without Glasses

I KNOW I REALLY OUGHT TO GET NEW SPECS and all... but I'm taking the opportunity of too-weak prescription lenses to try out Mr Bates' method as outlined in his tome (first published 1920) : Better Sight Without Glasses.

I had a friend from uni from years ago who had particularly bad vision purchased the special blacked out pinhole glasses as illustrated. As you may know, looking through a pinhole focuses light to the correct length so the short (or long) sighted can see without lenses of any kind. It's on this basis that pinhole cameras work. The idea is not to wear spod-spex all the time, but to use them gently to reset the eyes to where they're supposed to be...

Now the Wikipedia article rubbishes the Bates method about as much as is possible, (hijacked by opticians, I suspect) but I know from my friend's example that within months her presciption had shrunk back three "dioptres" towards normal.

So that, my friends, is what I'm going to try...

What's Up Doc: As Time Goes By
Wish I looked this good in glasses...


  1. will be interesting to see how you get on with the glasses..... do let us know :-)

  2. I loved this movie,it was really funny.
    Will you be able to cook your chinese food wearing glasses like these?

  3. Those glasses are weird looking, but I suppose having eyesight kinda trumps the strange nature of those specs.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I look forward to the updates.

  6. Be sure to tell us if it works! If you increase your blog's font size, I guess we will get the message :D

  7. Hi Gleds ~~ Sorry your specs gave up on you. I do hope the pin point ones work
    and will be interested to hear how you fare with them. Are they very expensive?
    Thanks for your comment. Brisbane is a nice city, but the humudity is severe there. Thanks for your good wishes about my tests. Do hope you are able to look after yourself, and guess there won;t be any writing at present. I guess you know if you click Ctrl and the Plus sign it enlarges the fonts for you to read. Crtl and Minus reduces
    the same way. Take good care, Very best Wishes, my friend, Merle.

  8. I worked for an ophthalmologic practice until about six months ago and one of the tests for visual acuity was with pinhole and it usually improved the vision up a few lines.

    As for using the pinhole glasses, I've heard of it but don't know anyone who has actually tried it. I do know that it doesn't work on anyone who has a degenerative disease like macular degeneration, glaucoma or cataracts.

  9. I've never heard of these glasses before and will be really interested to hear how you get on. I know from experience that the more you wear glasses the more you need them!

  10. This sounds very interesting. I have never heard of these glasses before. Looking forward to hearing your results.

  11. And good luck to you, Gleds - do let us know!

  12. Ah I've had 'new' glasses for 3 months and I hate them. They leave dings either side of my nose and they're blurry and horrible.(Graduated lenses) Going back to the optometrist tomorrow to have a whinge. I have never gone into the optometrist yet without having something prescribed . . makes you wonder whether it's all a big conspiracy . . .my eyesight has got worse since I've been wearing glasses (then I've got older) But sometimes,I think I'd be better off just sitting closer to the PC screen!

  13. I'm short-sighted and wearing specs is a pain - I find I'm taking mine off more these days when shopping to read the labels and flip through books etc :(

  14. I've noticed that my eyesight's deteriorating since getting a computer. A lot!

    I bet you DO look good in glasses...distinguished. ;)


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