Monday, November 17, 2008

Mince Pie Manure Trotters

THE CRAZIEST DREAMS EVER kept me sleepwaking for 14 hours all afternoon and through the night. First I was demonically possessed in my sleep (lovely!) then I had what kicked off as a marvellous reverie. In this fantasy I was clean of drugs (obviously, else I'd not have been out travelling) and travel I did. The world was my oyster. So to start off with, me and unnamed faceless (yet nonsinister) companion agreed to visit "the toe of Italy". I was so excited to be going somewhere so boastworthy; also I've always longed to explore the length of Italy and the classical cities of Rome, Bologna and Venice aside (plus Milano) Italy's foot is somewhere I'd particularly love to go... so we're all raring. It was a bit like Ewan McGregor and wild guy's overland-by-(motor)-bike John-O'Groats to Capetown televisual jaunt. O! The joy of the open road. First we stopped overnight at a large secondary school that resembled an outsized garden centre. I put my excessively humungous baggage down in the swimming pool changing rooms. Came back for it ~ then ~ bang! ~ gone. And an entire class full of nasty kiddies who obviously had all to do with its disappearance swore blind they knew nothing about my baggage which was enough to fill a small portakabin going missing... this garden centre full of orangeries and fern-filled hothouses (lovely post-Victorian greenhousery... and not a teacher in sight. So there I am devoid of a single possession and the trip's over before it's begun. Lovely. So that's my dreams. Sorry about that: had to get them off my chest...

Now as for the Roborovski Trotters they do indeed smell of a barnyard because they've shredded an entire copy of The Sun into luxury bedding that I don't have the heart to remove. Also all my hammies have been feasting on Mr Kipling's exceedingly yummy winter mince pies. They had nearly an entire pie between the four of them (the robos plus Pingpong my reclusive Chinese hammy)... of course most of these pies have been stashed and I haven't the heart to remove this either... So they shall go on ponging for a while as they thorougly enjoy scuttling in and between a pile of kitchen roll, tinfoil and clingfilm tubes so extensively piled up they are three tube-storeys deep. It's a mince pie laden, Sun newspaper chomping snigglywiggle winter wonderland of "exceedingly" vast proportions... as old Mr Kipling would drone...

Now my "Baby" Itchy has learnt a new trick: to ping down my sleeve, scurry behind my shoulder blades and emerge astonished-looking at the other sleeve, ready to pop out and ping all round again.

But woe betide me should I dare squeak something like "hello you tiny little swine! Are you looking surprised?! Are you tiny?! You ARE..." and then place venturesome fingers at said sleeve-opening as she emerges. Back she'll rear, taking extreme umbrage and terror at my horrible human-smelling hand, diving back into the human-smelling tunnel of my elbow-sleeve where she's convinced she's secure. (But woe betide I but a hand up the sleeve from up the inside. This provokes panick of such pinging proportions she literally comes flying out underneath my hand like a roborovski cannon ball... shooting across the blur of my duvet... landing pillow-wise, dazed and wondering how on earth she got there. The silly swine!

Righty-ho, it's taken approaching half an hour to post this: my 50p is up! So I'd better go. I hope you had a cheery weekend, y'all and no nightmares!

I'm off to attack 300g of four cheeses stuffed pasta (tortelloni) ~ Morrisons special offer at 99p a pack. So I got 4...

L8Rs!¬ ;->...

Eartha Kitt "+ friends": Santa Baby


  1. Strange dreams Gleds!

    Your hammies sound as though they 're having a whale of a time. Are they supposed to eat mince pies?

  2. Mince pies and Santa baby.... yes Christmas is coming. Just don't give the hammys and tinsel to decorate their cages with!

  3. I like travel dreams...they save me a lot of money. Pity about your luggage...what a way to end a dream, but then that's what happens, isn't it?

    As for your little hammies, they sound as if they give you hours of fun just watching them...but the pong wouldn't be too savoury with all that "off" meat...and probably farts, too. Eeeewww...presuming hamsters do fart?

  4. My dad used to play that Eartha Kitt track a lot...

    Good luck with the nightmares, sounds like you're getting sleep paralysis..

  5. That robo story made me laugh, very funny. I love it when animals do things like that :-)

  6. Hi Gleds ~~ Strange dreams indeed.
    Did you get the special pin-point glasses you posted about? If so, how are they going? I am glad your little hammies give you so much pleasure.
    Take care, Regards, Merle.

  7. Akelamalu: are they sposed to eat mince pies? Not really but it's not going to kill them...

    Fire Byrd: when I had a huge toadstool-like mushroom from Tesco's I was thinking of setting up a robo-photo-shoot. They do look awfully cute surrounded by natural accoutrements like blackberries, brambles, toadstools and fallen leaves...

    Puss in Boots: my travel dreams always turn into nightmares tho!

    the hammies don't really pong unless you shove your head right in the tank. and it's only a roborovski smell. they have a freshly mown harvesty smell naturally so nothing about them is ever rank or minging...

  8. Crushed: sleep paralysis... something. I've always been prone to over-vivid dreams... used to wake up screaming every night!!

    Vince: those robos are by far the best-spent £23 of my entire life!

    Merle: I haven't got the pinhole glasses yet... am out of touch with the friend who could probably get me a pair and haven't a clue who would retail them... yes those hamsters provide hours of fun just watching them scurry about. Especially with the wrestling matches they so love to perform, + expressions of surprise and astonishment when anything as mundane as an old apple core gets chucked into their domain...

  9. Wild dreams, here and on the post below. Wow. Hope you get some calm good sleep soon.
    Hey, thanks for stopping by, good to hear from you! I have been a little behind on some blogs, yours one of them. But I can do a little stop by today and say hello.
    I totally love Eartha doing Santa Baby. I'm sure I have it on a holiday cd. A couple of the radio stations here have been playing Christmas music for a couple weeks so it's bound to be one once, twice, a hundred times between now and the end of the season.

    About the politics. At first I really wanted Hillary. Not that I didn't like Obama, I did quite alot. But I needed time to watch, listen, etc. and by the time it came to vote I was THRILLED, NERVOUS, PROUD to vote for him. I had been wearing a little Obama button on my jacket too and in the voting place one of the workers turned down my collar and said it wasn't allowed. No display of candidate preference there.
    I'm very happy that he won. I think he has some good ideas and will work hard for the U.S. It's been so frustrating here for awhile with Bushie in office that people are annoyed and angry and probably don't even know why. It's going to take some time to get things going in the right direction again, hopefully people who voted for him will continue to give him the help he needs. It's going to take alot of people doing what they can. I have hope. :)

    Chat soon. Be well. M

  10. Oh I can see baby Itchy doing that!

    I dreamt I went to China in a lift. Dreams are very weird.


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