Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fewer than 21 units... and 40 below

THAT IS 40 DEGREES BELOW ZERO. IT IS ABSOLUTELY PERISHING COLD with even lower temperatures forecast. In fact when they said "it's going to get colder" and it was already deathly enough for me to sleep next to a permanently on maximum fan heater (the landlord pays electricity!!!) they said it was 10 degrees out (felt more like minus 10 to me)... the low to which we're due to sink should be "no worse than minus 2 or 3". Whoopee.

In fact I was so depressed yesterday ~ kept having urges to throw self off balconies etc. Hey the wonders of drugs; this is what they do to you. How I ever let myself become like this I'll never understand.

I gave up writing my memoirs (for now) partly because the story was too painful to tell. Also it was very hard to re-evoke past events in any true and meaningful balance. Because mine was always supposed to be a memoir of drug addiction, the straggling roots of this were of course what I chose to highlight as I told my tale. But this gave the impression I had done nothing except take drugs since my first introduction age 19 (I made up for lost time). But I didn't use all the time, by any means. In fact I was known as someone who never got drunk. And when I took up weekly going to techno-trance parties, though I did indulge in club candy I didn't all the time and again I was known as someone who didn't have to take drugs just to do a night out. So many other people just wanted to get drugged up and felt they had to go out to provide a set and setting for it.

Anyway on to better news. From my peak of drinking more than the recommended meximum every day, I have (I am pleased to announce) reduced my alcoholic intake to so little I'm now within the weekly advised limits! And so can no longer be classed a problem drinker. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!

I omitted the street urchin link for Baby P last time. Look closely and you can see (remains of) "injuries the professionals did not spot"...

Re child abuse, I just heard of a case in New Zealand where a child was "spun in a tumble dryer"... I mean..(!??!!) this boggles my mind! The world has gone crazy...

From the papers:
Foetal attraction: amazing shots of baby wolf, cat, etc still in the womb...


  1. Great news on the alcohol, just the drugs to sort then?
    Although it's so bloody cold I think brandy is just medicinal to keep warm!

  2. Hi Gleds - get tucking into lots of warming comfort food like potato topped stew and soup etc.

    It's wonderful to read that you have reduced your alcoholic intake. Pity about your writing - I still think you have a message to any young ones thinking the same wouldn't happen to them.

    Those photos of the animals in the womb are incredible ... sounds like an interesting show coming up. Did you hear about the kitten born this week over here in Perth, with two faces on the one head eats with one mouth, miows from both ... sadly it didn't make it.

    go look at and key under search
    kitten with two faces perth

  3. Good news on the booze boyo. I agree with Bimbimbie (I often do). You have a tale of caution to tell. You should write the book. It will be a distraction and hopefully a little cathartic. Looks like the planet's cooling all over . . cold and windy today. . .DVD time! Hey, you're fortunate your landlord covers your power bills! Now no bungy jumping without a rubber band!

  4. Minus 6 degress C at the shack here in the unemployment capital of the world. In a month, that will feel like a heat wave. Crank the heat for me Gledwood. I can't so just have to layer up and don't worry. Be happy.

  5. Hang in there Gled it sounds like you are making progress. Good job.

    It was hot here this last week we hit 80 degrees F.sorry I don't know what this is in c.

    We're suppose to have rain this week, and I'm looking forward to it.


  6. Good going on the C6O2Na4 mate! Well done :-) I wish I could make you less depressed. That seems to be an even bigger problem than the dope.

    Dress warm! And don't do any stupid things for heating like you did last winter ;-)

  7. Good stuff about the drinking less Gled. I was just looking at my sister-in-law's blog and they've had really cold weather is Holland as well. It makes me glad that we moved to Australia. I didn't like the winter much. It was nice around Christmas time for about a week or two, but that's about it.

  8. You've made great strides getting your drinking down to an acceptable level Gleds, you should be really proud of yourself! Sorry to hear the depression is still a problem but stick at his m'dear. x

  9. WEll done on the drinking news, gleds!

    What about doing some more cooking? Cook up a nice warming stew. Cheap cuts of lamb, lots of root vegetables. Make a big pot. Hot and comforting.

    Keep warm!

  10. Hey Gled;
    It pains me to hear about your lows. You have that spark- that little bit of greatness in you but right now it's a coin toss. Everytime I visit I wonder if you'll still be here. Dude. Go to NA. Make friends there. Save yourself. It'd be a shame if we lost you. Think what a gift it would be for us, for you, if you got clean and published that book.

  11. I have just realized I have been reading your blog for about a year now and I feel that you have changed, in a positive way.

    You still have a good sense of humor but I think you are getting there. Hang on and stay away from baloney!

  12. Gleds I think a little someone got lost over at mine and was perhaps looking for you - if you are able come take a look - big eyes, ears and twitching nose - not yours Gleds ;)

    Hope you have been digging into some warming nosh Smiles*!*

  13. Thanks for these... I have to return, reply properly later on...


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