Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Itchy on the Run!

ITCHY has escaped yet again; though it's the first time she's done so in my new place. I'm just hoping there's no holes or cracks in the skirting or under the kitchen units big enough for a tiny robo-hamster to ping down...

She's "only" been missing around 12 hours as I write (Spherical once went awol for 2 or 3 days and I only caught her when she made a nest in a pair of jeans that had fallen down the side of my bed. I picked up the jeans and wrapped them up with Spherical inside and plunked her back on her proper nest. She looked really put out to be back...

Today's photograph ("2 left!") is meant to show Bashful and Spherical begging: "Itchy come home!" though I have to say the robo on the right looks more like Itchy than Bashful.

Anyhow, I am praying to God... Catching missing robbies takes a sheer miracle...

As for my alcohol consumption, what I had meant to post but forgot to do so until time had cut me off, was that 21 units is the old recommended weekly maximum for a man. It used to be 14 per week for a woman. The present limits are 28 male and 21 female per week. A unit is 10mls or 8g neat alcohol. So a 500ml can of white cyder at 7.5% ABV contains 3.75 units. Which means when I drank seven of those in a day, as I tried not to but often did, I was doing 26 units, which is very nearly a weekly maximum every single day.

I don't even drink every day now. Which means I know I am not physically addicted to alcohol, which is very good. And when I do, I very seldom have more than one can in 24 hours. Which all in all I think ~ if I say so myself ~ is very good indeed.

... And yes: drugs are next!!...


This is one of the most amusing "festive" videos I've seen in a long while

Nicole Kidman and Robbie Williams: Somethin' Stupid (2001)

PS Am I the only one who really does not like NICOLA from I'm A Celebrity GET ME OUT OF HERE. She says she's "hard" yet goes seriously pathetic in a cave full of creepies (which is what the show's about. Getting covered in bugs, putting your head in a plastic bubble full of venomous spiders etc whilst camping in the jungles of Australia's Northern Territory. These trials win food for your fellow campers but you can get out of any trial by yelling "I'm a Celebrity: Get Me Out of Here!!"
Nicola is the type of person who makes you feel you're fussing all the time, when actually it's HER who interferes, spreads bad attitude all over the place and is basically a complete pain (to live with and to watch)...


  1. Good luck finding Itchy! And good luck with the consumption; glad it's on a downward spiral.

    By the way, the poem you left on my blog a while ago has become a favorite around here.

  2. Oh no! Itchy is probably having the time of her life, exploring, making new nests....she will come back. Just think of it as a little vacation!

  3. Oh yes you are doing wonderfully! Drugs next.

    I hope Itchy appears soon. She is a scallywag!

  4. Well, you're doing better than me on alcohol.

    I don't drink overmuch, but I do still drink most days, three pints or so, usually.

    Itchy seems to be the more 'lively' of your hamsters. They are tiny though, aren't they!

  5. I hope you find itchy soon!

    Fabulous news about your alcohol consumption or lack of it in this case. Drugs next - well done Gleds.

  6. OH no! They're so little, I hope she comes back or at least can't get outside! Well done with the drinking. I drink too much I know but hopefully with summer coming there'll be less sitting around with time on my hands. Funny that show is filmed here but we don't get it on telly. (I think I'm rather grateful for that!) Fingers crossed for Itchy!

  7. *!* Come out of hiding Itchy *!*

  8. I've been congratulating myself that a bottle of wine has lasted me three nights, and that's with having given a glassful to my son. So well done both of us - I'll toast you tomorrow (hem hem). Good luck.

  9. Oh my ... Itchy is on the lam! I hope that it isn't for too long. Congratulations on being one step closer to besting your demon Gleds!


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