Sunday, February 15, 2009


A YURKSOME yukky slumbersome, sticky, intractably drab Sunday. Do you know: either I am going crazy or the same Cinderella film has been on for over 3 hours and STILL the Royal couple have yet to tie the knot? Honestly. I have very little to say apart from this. I hope your weekend went better...


  1. Sorry folks that was about all I had to say today. Was trying to avoid the phrase "I hate Sundays"!

  2. Hope Monday is better Gleds.

  3. cheers!
    How I loathe Sundays!

  4. Fortunately, I went out for a nice healthy bike ride before it rained, so I felt quite good about life. Miserable afternoon, but I was reading so didn't really notice.

  5. I don't mind Sundays, it's the one day I don't have to do anything domestic or work related! Cindarella? My what eclectic tastes you have!

  6. Sundays I like well enough, it's the Mondays that get me.

  7. My Sunday isn't even as good as yours. It started off nice enough my phone line were fixed this morning so I now have the access to the internet again, but my washer broke down. The repairman will be here in three days.


    At least I still have a warrenty on the machine.


  8. Errr i know the feeling. My sunday went about as well as yours it sounds.
    Hope your monday went alot better :)


  9. Gleds, I think it's time for two Saturdays in your weekend *!*

  10. Z: good on yer

    BAINO: well it was watched on "aerial making channels go fuzzy and could not be bothered reorganizing things" basis

    CITIZEN OF THE WORLD: no even when I worked I'd rather be working than rotting

  11. JANICE: it didn't spill out all over the floor~ when door dares to be opened...? That's what mine did... except it's not "mine" and still nominally "works"... I think I'd be exceedingly peeved too if I were you...

    CORPSE DOLL: well it hasn't gone yet: still waiting on the dealer at 20 to 11

    BIMBIMBIE: definitely...


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