Monday, March 23, 2009

Am I Alive? Am I For Real?

OR AM I A SPAMMING AUTOMATON? That's what Blogger appear to believe about me...?!? For real! Their message said:

This blog has been locked due to possible Blogger Terms of Service violations. You may not publish new posts until your blog is reviewed and unlocked.

This blog will be deleted within 20 days unless you request a review.

Has anyone else experienced this? Does anyone know what's happening?

I buy time weekly at an internet caff, in blocks e.g. of 10 hours. When I know time's running down I prepost for the weekend, hence my "meme" Furry Friday on Saturday which recently has always been preposted. I dig around for interesting "tid"bits in advance. Yesterday's "rainbows" theme was along similar lines but evidently too much for Blogger, who closed down my blog with the above message and refused to publish until I'd clicked terms of service and review.

It's weird this happens just as life hits another turning point signposted, you might say, with bleak warnings in ancient Middle-Earthy Hobbitron tongues: "ROCK BOTTOM". So aye; yer not wrong there...

Murder on the Dancefloor
Luuurve the English accent ...

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
The tune thing on this is really funky...


  1. It could have been the size of the post with the photos. Not sure as I've not run into that one. the following thing seems to be hit and miss with mostly misses. Hope that you are able to stay "real".

  2. Very strange. Maybe a random security check? Hope you were reviewed and deemed OK?

  3. I've never experienced that thank goodness but on Saturday blogger wouldn't let me comment anywhere for a couple of hours saying I was a robot! WTF is all that about???

  4. I can vouch for the fact that you aren't spam ;)

  5. Okay, that's kinda scary. Wow. I've never experienced anything like that and I hope not too. I couldn't imagine life without blogs. Especially your blog. But if you do somehow get blocked, keep me in touch, I wanna know what's going on!

  6. I think I've heard of others having the problem but can't say that I have.

  7. Sometimes someone with an axe to grind will report a blog for terms of service violations or for spamming.

  8. You're lucky, I didn't even get that box, just the first bit...

    Still, it didn't keep me down :)

  9. I thought that was for objectionable content--too much profanity (how much is too much??) or drug stuff. I don't think your blog would quality, unless they have a filter that picked up "heroin".
    Hope they don't banish you to a deserted island!

  10. hey Gleds,

    hope they're not censoring you like they did Naomi.

    I'll be really pissed off if they are.


  11. I don't understand how a blog with 54 followers can possibly be spam.

    I think it must have something to do with my posting Away Weekends posts full of pictures. But surely they could look at other parameters, e.g. that I FOLLOW about 100 blogs and blah blah I don't get it...

    Kelly: Who censored Naomi? Blogger or Junkylife?

  12. Kelly: Who censored Naomi? Blogger or Junkylife?
    I don't know. I thought she said her Junkylife site was taken down and it was cos of the content and you said something about having blogs vigilated by someone???!!??

    Maybe I misunderstood

  13. I think Junkylife has ceased to exist. I had just assumed the person who oversaw it didn't want to do it anymore....

  14. Whatever are blogger on about? Crushed should be able to advise you if it does happen. I feel like you do about my own blog, btw. MEanwhile, have you done a back-up?

  15. i bet they have some filter to check for evil drug references or something. i read your most recent posts, and it sounds like all is well, but probably some security-bot made them review it. so fucking lame.

  16. I do love me some MIKA!



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