Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trapped Wind

I WAS COMFORT EATING OBSESSIVELY at every waking juncture in the last 24 hours. So much so that come this morning and the onset of sewerage-quacking farts and a sensation like a double-knotted balloon in my belly I felt so terrible I thought I was going to die. OK slight exaggeration but it was rather inconvenient. And also made me think: how undignified being trapped in a burping, farting, snoring ukky-yukky human body. I could go on but won't...

IN RESPONSE TO YESTERDAY'S COMMENTS, I suppose I now have to go on to set up a Wordpress blog to import stuff from here, in case Blogger goes crashing down. How on earth you do any of this I don't know (except commonsensically and if you think commonsense will get you far in today's world you're hopelessly naive, that's all I say...)

LIFE still feels hopelessly teflon-coated grey. I can't see, feel, discern/etc any point at all. Not that I've been philosophizing (just about thee most despairational thing you can do in my view) but trying to give self a "reason" to do anything. I've been sleeping round the clock (how? Not by the power of drugs that's for sure...)

I WISH IT WAS A SUNNY DAY so I could go trekking off in the woods. But I know me, I probably wouldn't go. I'd think up some excuse. That's me: excuses excuses excuses. Insufferable¬!

Also it's my Gran's funeral. I wasn't ever about to go. I'd be telling myself "don't use; don't drink..." Then nerves would make me do it even more. Hopeless!

Righto I'm off now. Take it easy, Kids


I tapped in the parties I used to go to
and this came up from Youtube ~ they were still going Apparently in 2007. Maybe it was the chemistry, but I remember the music as far better than this...


  1. A really good remedy for bloated/wind/stomach ache - drink a glass of boiled water, as hot as you can manage it - honestly it works wonders.

  2. Exercise isn't bad either. Put on your coat and take that walk. Fresh air and endorphines and you'll be surprised. Although I understand the lack of motivation, I've been staring at my treadmill all week . ..

  3. Importing isn't as hard as it looks. Really is just a case of pressing a few keys :)

    But it's worth having several versions of your blog out there...

  4. hehehehe yu did a post abowt farts hahahaha

    Look, I'm goin to hav a blog pawty this weekend to sellybrate my 500th post :@} wud yu like to pop by?

    Festivitys kik off tomorro at noon UK time an larst till midnite Sunday!
    Pleez come by!
    Leev sum jokes in the comments sekshun ov Friday's post fer evrywun.

    Weel be havin cayke, ginger beer (wich iz good for sortin owt farty tummys), scooby snaks an a serprize speshul gest!!!!!

    Pleez come it won't be the sayme wivowt yu!


  5. Akelamalu: aye I might try that if there (hopefully isn't) a next time... I heard raw mint essence works wonders too..?

    Baino: I was in way too much agony to walk, honestly. And the danger of diarrhoeaing everywhere was far too great!

    Crushed: I'm gonna have to learn how to do this blog-copying lark...

    BT Bear: aye I'll come!

  6. Gleds , believe me, I know about days when life seems "teflon-grey" - a very good description, btw. I'm going through a difficult period at the moment and felt like taking the tablets yesterday [but how could I do it to Simi?] but today dawned and was better. And you couldn't do it to those hammies who depend on you or to all of us out here who care about you. x


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