Rabbits do not enjoy being yummy dinners and will hop, skip and ping exceedingly quickly from predators:
Bunnies will breed like, well... rabbits

Baby bunnies are really cute:
HAMSTERS & HEROIN: Not all junkies are purse-snatching grandmother-killing psychos. I'm keeping this blog to bear witness to that fact.
You Are: 50% Dog, 50% Cat |
You Are a Chocolate Cake |
Nicely illustrated post. By the way, I also liked your pictures of the goldfish to illustrate your last post. Very witty.
Here in Queensland it's illegal to own rabbits and the only ones you'll see are in zoos, and they're the lop eared kind...really cute. But they are such a pest and have done so much damage in other parts of the country. Do you know that we have a rabbit proof fence dividing Queensland from New South Wales and it's some phenomenal length...unfortunately I can't remember what it is.
However, your little bunny is really cute. We have big hares here and my former cat, Oscar, caught one and brought it very proudly home to me. It was a male and almost as big as he was...
LoneGrey: oh aye!
PussInBoots: aye, and I heard even HAMSTERS are illegal Down Under: is that true? My Aussie girlf was fascinated by Pandable, a perfectly ordinary Golden Hamster (like my "avatar") cooing, "he's just like a cartoon character!"
ps I think that mating pair were hares but am not sure... (does anyone know?)
We've got a lot of bunnies hopping about the neighborhood. Veggie gardeners don't like them much. Our beagle winston loves them to bits. hehehehe
I enjoy rabbit for dinner but rarely is it available at the grocery store.
As for lyme disease and lawns. I'm in Canada - deer ticks aren't a problem here. Lawns here and in the states are indeed grass although due to watering restrictions in our area, people are beginning to look for alternatives.
Aw the baby bunny was just too cute!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I love this post on bunnies. What great photos! I grew up with rabbit pets. You are right, bunnies DO NOT enjoy being yummy dinners. LOL.
When you get the time, please e-mail me some pictures of your hammies for my new Batardly Pets feature, where I am featuring the pets of friends. My e-mail is: ugadawg1@woh.rr.com
Love ya,
Cute over there maybe but feral over here. The Enlish introduced them for hunting in the early days of the colony and now they're insane pests! They dig holes under my swimming pool and garden shed, they dig holes in the back yard that are big enough to rick you're ankle if you step in one, we had to get a bobcat in to demolish a huge warren in the back paddock before we brought the horses back and the next day . .they'd dug another and they poo on my hay! I hate them. . .really hate them! Damn them for being so cute!
Awwww, lovely pictures. Yes, rabbits are so cute. :)
I'm not sure about the ones in the mating photo. I know hares have much longer ears than rabbits, but I'm still not sure what the ones in the photo are. Sorry, not much help! :O)
Psst Gleds ... don't get Baino started on the rabbity rascals LOL ;)
Great news on your new home, I hope the move all goes well, and does this now mean you are finally on the computer and they finally acknowledge you exist*?*
Poor Mother Hubbard :( hope all is well for her*!*
p.s. You've been tagged! (see my latest post) :)
Oh nice post on bunny habits.
We use to have a big white rabbit named Bunny-bunny bun-bun.
Jeannie: I've never tried rabbit and I don't want to. They say it's just like chicken so if it ever was served up I'd just ask for a wing...(!)
Akelamalu: aye, I can just smell countryside off that hot furrrr!!SB: unFORtunately I cannot email said hammies as I no longer have a camera suitable for taking digi snaps. The ones I've used online are cheaty pixx as all robos look the "same"!!
Baino: I know what an IDIOTIC thing to do. That and cane toads: why must peole interfere ???
Also mixxermertosis ~ ditto.
Lesley: I'm pretty sure they're hares ...
Bimbimbie: Don't ask about my existence this might actually wipe me OFF the map, for reasons hitherto unexplained!!
Janice: I used to have a black and white one called Pippa. She used to go for a hop in our kitchen...
nowadays if I went for a rabbit like pet I think I'd get a chinchilla instead a "rabbit from mars"...
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