Monday, July 13, 2009

Koalas II


I wasn't into posting this at the weekend, but here's the other half of the koalas post...

Basically THIS is what it's easy to forget about bushfires; that the local wildlife suffers terribly. Lots of koalas got burned in last summer's Victoria conflagration...

Even those who were physically all right had much of their habitat destroyed. Many came wandering dazed into the suburbs desperate for drinking water. This picture of a fireman giving one a drink is famous:

Thankfully many of the casualties got treated and recovered. They can look very cute in bandages like this furry pensioner:

And this joey:

Wildlife and animal rescue charities did a sterling job:

Many babies lost their parents or were orphaned:

But were lucky enough to be rescued and taken into people's homes:

... and with a bit of luck and love they should live happily ever after...

Here's the fireman-koala-drink story from the news:


  1. Loved this post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. When we went to Aus I got to hold a Koala but only on a cushion - I think because their claws are quite sharp but they are the cutest animals. :)

  3. I'm really glad that they got patched up. It makes me sad that many were hurt.

  4. Very unusual for a koala to drink like that poor little might. Actually our Children's Hospital have a fundraiser each day and you can buy little 'Bandaged Bears' they're not koalas but it's a cute way to support the hospital. Let's hope El Ninio (we're in for it this summer) doesn't cause more fire havoc.

    Oh, you're not allowed to hold them any more. Their lethargy is due to their diet, low carb so they conserve energy but they still get a bit freaked if they're not 'cuddling' something.

  5. Aw, poor things. I'm glad they got help, the one getting a sip of water looks so sore.


  6. Koalas look cute but they have monstrous claws, for climbing the trees of course, and they stink. Ever tried holding one? Eeewww.

  7. Thank you. Love love Koalas; my heart goes out to those delightful little creatures.

  8. sorry that Youtube was KIWI news about Australia I changed the wording...

  9. Hi Gleds ~~ Good post again about the koalas that were caught in the fires. The koalas eat only a select eucalypt (Gum)trees and get moisture from the same leaves. But with so much of their trees burnt, they had to look for water and refuge elsewhere. Many were cured in time,but alas many died.
    A Spanish villa would look wonderful with that garden and with a good pressure hose, the watering would be easier than using a ladder. Take care,
    Regards, Merle.

  10. Bimbimbie: yes indeed...

    Merle: she uses a hose? O yeah I see... I'd just assumed it might knock a lot of the plants out of their pots but maybe not...

    I thought it looked odd seeing a koala drinking from a bottle like that. Of course it would never have done so in its life but seemed v adept. Poor buggers. Eucalyptus trees go up like gas explosions in such fires, don't they..?


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