Saturday, July 11, 2009



Australia's cutest furries...

... are called "bears" but aren't actually bears at all...

... apart from their fur they look so cute because of their characteristic cradling...

... and hugging posture. Koalas, as you can see, have very good grip...

... which they really do need for trees as they climb them whether or not they seem to go anywhere ...

... or are perilously thin ...

... because they try to do everything up in the branches ...

... including sleeping ...


  1. Funny video, but too bad they don't show the sushi!

  2. Nice sushi cam!

    Hey Gledwood, could I trouble you to change the link for "Kvatch" from "" to ""? Blognonymous has been shut down for quite some time. Thanks.

  3. Ah bless! What are they if not bears then?

  4. Just caught up with you.

    I think olive oil soap tends to be a bit like that.

    Foxes are very cheeky and live everywhere.

    Keep up the Spanish! Just don't cram too much in at once. Make sure you've got one bit properly before you move on.

    In Zac's last week we heard from a young lad who'd found his friend dead from an overdose, possibly inflicted by someone else. So sad. Don't stop trying to give up, gleds!

  5. How are you Gleds. Long time no see.

    Koalas are such a favourite with everyone you have made your visitors very happy today.

    Poor things, they are under stress in the wild as their habitat disappears as people build more and more.

    Take care Gleds.

  6. Wonderful shots of the koalas and a very interesting post. Thanks for visiting and good to see you around.

  7. Cute post on the koalas, Gleds. We have them around here apparently, although I've never seen one. Thank you for making the distinction that they are not bears. They're actually a marsupial, as they have a pouch for their young, which are called joeys.

  8. Dead cute if not a bit stinky and SO HARD to pick in the trees. You can only find them in certain Eucalypts so once you identify the tree, it can take ages to spot the koala.
    Liz, they're a marsupial but unique in the animal kingdom and eat nothing other than gum leaves. Very rare to even see them drink although after the Victorian bushfires, quite a few were found and took water from firefighters.

  9. Baino is right you can't spot their sleepy little bods in the trees. They don't get the respect due to them considering they along with the Kangaroo are what people think of when you mention Australia. Poor things are doing it tough through loss of habitat. That photo of mum and her twins is heart melting*!*

  10. Hey Gled, I really enjoyed the sushi video, I loved it :-)

    The koala photos are also awesome. I love them. We saw some sitting in the trees when I was playing lawn bowl a few months ago. That was IN a suburb! I also held one in the zoo. You have to keep them fed by holding some leaves for them. If you fail to feed them, they will start to climb down for which they usse theit 'little' claws. Not so cute then! hehe. They are wonderful animals, very soft. It's funny how they wedge themselves between two branches to sleep :-)

  11. Hi Gleds ~~ Great post about our Koalas - even to mentioning that
    during the bushfires, several came looking for water. Nice article and pics.
    Sorry you don't like kidneys in your stews. My Mum used to make steak and kidney all my young life, and now I do, but I put more in than my mother did. I love them and the dumplings.
    We all have different tastes. Glad you liked the scripture from
    Ecclesiastes. Take care,
    Regards, Merle.

  12. Still they are cuddly looking. I know they are aggressive.

  13. OMG i love koalas that video of the koala drinking water from a waterbottle from a fire man just melted my heart from the bushfires. awwwww......when i saw it

  14. Koalas are so cute. I love really cute things that also have a nasty side.

  15. Liz: No I won't give up on giving up... If they're not bears are they... "marsupials"? Everything in Australia that we think's a "mammal" seems to be called that... Spanish is coasting along far more sedately these days, thank you...

    If olive oil soap's so horrible, why do people use it?

    JMB: yes they end up living in suburbs and looking faintly ridiculous up people's garden-centre-bought shrubs...

    Carver: likewise; long time no see ;->...

    Welshcakes: aye/si!

    Pussinboots: Lived all your life in Australia and never seen one? Wow?! Actually my cousin comes from Sydney and now lives in Perth and never knew BUDGIES came from the outback!!

    I guessed they might be marsupials; as I said above, everything Australian we assume to be one thing turns out to be marsupial!

    Baino: they smell?.. of what? I was thinking about the burned ones I saw after those bushfires actually, but didn't want to post furry negatives...

  16. Bimbimbie: Aye!

    Vincent: You're lucky to have seen one; lots of people apparently live there all their lives and never do!

    It would be very entertaining to hold one in a zoo... but I can imagine what you mean about those claws... they surely need them to stay put up all those trees; I mean ever heard of one falling out? I never have...

    Merle: Came looking for water? How cute! They must've been desperate but...

    Wouldn't the world be boring if all our tastes were same? Also shops would constantly sell out of everything we liked.. and the selections of most things would be miniscule...

    JustBeReal: How aggressive?

    Katrina: aye maybe I should have posted that one up... maybe I will today (Monday)...

    Nellie: I know exactly what you mean. Hamsters are like that. Ever seen one lose its temper?... WOW!

  17. Really cute. I've always liked them.

  18. I got a stuffed koala at my Dad's house...

    I'm sure it's not real..(!!)


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