Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kerry Coke-Nose Dropped by Iceland

KERRY KATONA, the "Atomic Kitten Who Never Sang", ex-wife of Brian McFadden of Irish pop band Westlife, reality star, infamously ghostwritten "author" and columnist and star of Iceland (a frozen food shop, not the country!) TV commercials, was caught in the act snorting cocaine in her own home.

A hidden camera in her bathroom filmed the action. (Some friends she has...) The News of the World sunday newspaper broke the story and it was announced today in The Sun that Kerry has been dropped by Iceland, losing a £250,000 a year deal and her chief source of income.

This incident is only the latest in a string of woes. Last year she caused outrage when she seemingly appeared on the highly popular TV programme This Morning drunk as a skunk.

At the time she blamed the fiasco on her "bipolar meds".

She was diagnosed bipolar last year after spending time in the celebrity Priory clinic.

Not long after this, MTV-UK dropped her reality show after it pulled in only 19,000 viewers.

All this in the same year poor Kerry was victim of "home invasion" as robbers stormed in and robbed the "terrified star" of £10,000s of jewellery, cash and an expensive car.

As well as all this she is trying to bring up three young children in an on-off marriage to a gold-digging man who looks like a weasel who milked her so dry she was actually declared bankrupt in 2008, as the British tabloids gleefully reported.

Her husband Mark Croft is actually Kerry's childhood sweetheart ~ a fact the media like conveniently to ignore.

The bankruptcy was actually a technicality due to an unpaid tax bill and income that would cover it coming later (or whatever).

Whatever the world is coming to I do not know but here's the links and vids for those who wish to learn more:


KERRY KATONA biography, wikipedia.

Kerry Katona online (fansite).

MTV UK KK page

Atomic Kitten write-up (Wikipedia).

Atomic Kitten official site.

KK Goes Mad On Coke After 4-Day Booze Bender (News of the World newspaper)

KK's Coke Binge Caught On Camera (Perez Hilton)

Frozen Out: Kerry Dropped by Iceland chain (Sun newspaper)

Husband of Broke Kerry "has £450,000 in business account" (News of the World).

KK Robbery Latest (Now magazine).

~O man all this makes it look like I'm a fan and she winds the living **** out of me!!~




  1. Being over here - I've never heard of her. And what is a hidden camera doing in her bathroom? She seems to be one of those stupid people that searches out drama and is searched out by drama. Living life BIG and on display. Whatever. I'll likely never hear of her again.

  2. I know ~ what kind of friends??!? ~ I added that little comment to the post just now.

    Hopefully you won't hear of her again. We hear about her far too much over here!!

    And yes I think you're absolutely correct ...

  3. Hi, must admit I can't stand her either but I feel a bit sorry for her, and the papers are just pushing her over the edge.Addiction is hard enough without scum like the papers watching your every move. I can't believe they can get away with planting a hidden camera in her bathroom. Isn't it a sad reflection on our society. :0(

  4. her "whole existence" as far as the media see her is about just being in the media. which sounds a bit crap to me

  5. She sure is good tabloid fodder, isn't she?

  6. There's a whole raft of media celebrities that are just that . .media celebrities. As for the camera in her bathroom, someone should pay for such an infringement of privacy

  7. I think it is deplorable that someone would put a camera in her bathroom. I know that there are many normal things I do in my bathroom that are private. The whole celebrity/media game is getting so ridiculous. Notice now that Amy Winehouse is making an attempt to get her act together, she isn't in the press the much? The vultures of this world swoop down when there is the smell of rotting meat, but why not some posts of Ms. Winehouse and others when they are thriving and doing well? Bah, this kind of stuff makes me sick. Live and let live. People who thrive off others' misery are going to reap what they sow one day. Good post... Have a great day my new friend..

  8. Akelamalu: here here

    SB: o yeah. .they love her. love getting all sniffy over her. so to speak ...

    Baino: I know. The Sun insists it was a hidden mobile phone. Well I don't know one that can be set to motion or voice activated. it was a spy camera pure and simple! you can get one for £100

    Lori: you're right. But Kerry Katona makes her entire income off of reality programmes and celebrity interviews. The Iceland deal came off the back of that ...


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