Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Armageddon is Coming!

RUSSIA still has 15,000 nuclear warheads, the USA has 10,000. The number of nuclear states is only increasing. Until some nutter unleashes this horror on the earth (AGAIN) it's only a matter of time:

Threads (1984): British nuclear war film set in northern town of Sheffield

The Day After (1981): American nuclear war movie. The nuclear footage is quite well-done considering how old it is:

This explains what happened very clearly


  1. Indeed so, only a matter of time.
    The video clips are very powerful.

  2. I remember watching test footage back in school when things were hot. I don't think I ever believed that anyone would ever drop another one. But memory is slipping I think and it could happen.

  3. I't a terrifying thought Gleds and one I don't want my grandchildren worried about. :(


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