Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sleep without Drugs*... at Last...

FINALLY LAST NIGHT I got some half-decent sleep... For many days I have found myself totally unable to achieve this... too weary... too cold... too knackered even to sleep. So I stay half-awake for hour after hour, running into day after day. That gritty feeling prevails: you know, when you feel like you've had grit in your eye, only that feeling's all around your body (not to mention the mind) ... on the inside.
My home is still freezing ~ and not a hope of heating on the horizon.
The boiler's still kaputt.
Each morning, when I do come round, I'm buried safely under a self-constructed tent of old duvet covers... it's far too chilly to consider emerging till way into the afternoon...
The language books don't really help me sleep at all. They actually keep me awake. In German I'm thinking "just another page; just one more; just another one; OK just one more then I'll stop... when we get to an even number..." and so I plough on...
Japanese is even worse... I pour over the kanji books and dictionaries I have, pondering: "I wonder what such-&-such thing looks like... e.g. birds, fish and eels... (鳥、魚、 鰻)o! and this... and that..." and I'm obsessively copying them down in my amateurish westernized calligraphy...
And I just cannot stop...

Illustrated: "nightmare" pictures by Spanish artist Goya ...
* not that I was taking sleeping drugs to start with


  1. I don't sleep well through most nights. I likely would have last night but my husband was restless and kept thumping my head so I got up and took the puppy with me who thought it was playtime and kept jumping on my head just as I'd doze off.

  2. I never sleep the night through. I manage a couple of hours then toss and turn for an hour, then sleep then toss and turn......

    Have you contacted the landlord about the boiler?

    Thanks for the comments - in Japanese! LOL

  3. Maybe read something else???? I'm at work all day and then to meetings afterwards so when I get home around 9 or 10 PM and read, I am out after a few minutes. Glad that you finally slept.

  4. I can really sympathize with your feeling cold. Before I was renting this house I was in another house where the furnace ceased functioning. It was absolutely freezing before I moved .. had to wear a heavy winter coat just to sit in the livingroom. I hope you can get warm soon.

    I had to laugh when I read that you will try to quit reading when you get to an "even" page. I do the exact same thing!

  5. Gleds, I'm going to sound like a mumsy here but. Routine is everything when it comes to controlling your circadian rhythms. I'm a crap sleeper. Always awake at 3:30. You need a set bed time. As for the cold, it's unbelievable that coming into winter you have no heating. . .the only answer is to move. Remember going to primary school and doing morning exercises to 'shake off the cold'. . .and a good quality doona/duvet. Wear a beanie to keep heat in on you head and socks to stop it escaping from your extremeties. Seriously, I live in a temperate climate in a fairly warm house but sometimes I'm just freezing at night so layer up and snuggle down.

  6. God, I'm glad you slept a bit better. I had a disturbed night last night and I'm a grumps after that so goodness knows how you survive. Sleep well tonight, gleds.

  7. Yes that's all true. But it is hard to read something else. I've been so inactive for so long it's a wonder anything can grab me ...


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