Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Hyacinth Macaw Interlude

I think these are some of the most beautiful birds:


  1. Hi Gleds. When I was living in the city, one day while waiting for the bus (the stop was outside the local vet), a guy came along with a brilliantly hued yellow and blue macaw on his shoulder. I have never seen anything so beautiful. The colours were brilliant. Apparently he had permission to bring it into the country. I was totally fascinated by this beautiful creature.

  2. My daughter has pictures of these and crimson Macaus in the wild. Can you imagine . .walking along an Ecuadoran trail and these dudes in the treetops. I mean we have beautiful parrots but not big colourful dudes like this.

  3. I've never seen a parrot in the wild. Though i did hear a story about a pet one they used to fling up in the air. It would fly high up, find the boy playing football in a nearby field, insist on coming down on his shoulder, then attack any player who ventured near!

    When I was little I used to see giant macaws in the bird house at Sheffield Botanical gardens. Also pirhanas incidentally. Never seen a hyacinth macaw in the "feathers" though. They're meant to be the biggest parrots of all ...


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