Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Weird Dreams*

MY BODY CRAVES SLEEP DESPERATELY, yet in bed I spent half the night seemingly in a semi-twilight state. That was last night. The night before was full of recurrent nightmares about losing things, being cornered, falsely accused (a constant nightmare theme of mine) and accosted by foes.

I probably slept so badly last night because I was afraid of going back to the same nightmare that haunted two great blocks of sleep all night between Monday and Tuesday. I don't know.

I had loads of things buzzing in my head that I could have posted. But as soon as the computer's on the old blank page is glaring at me ~ white with rage!

I'm no stranger to writer's block. It's a very real thing. But nowadays I feel all aglow, because I have a story peopled by vivid characters I'm burning to tell. It doesn't pain me to plot it, scrawl notes about it. I can't stop. My previous block was how to get round a ridiculous and major plot flaw that invalidated maybe 40,000 words of my first draft. I puzzled and puzzled about how to retell my tale and at last it came to me on Sunday. And now, though I'm still depressed, I'm at least happy to have something constructive to do... Know what I mean? And I must dash now. Computer's about to terminate me!

Dalí self portrait (title unknown); Ryman's own copier paper the type I use except not glary high white; Dalí Nude, in Contemplation Before the Five Regular Bodies
Metamorphized into Corpuscles, in Which Suddenly Appears the
Leda of Leonardo Chromosomatized by the Visage of Gala, 1954

The New Literary Agents: If Danielle Steel gets published why can't I? (Big question. Have you read any of her works? I once tried, as I knew she'd sold over 400,000,000 books and wanted to know her secret. Three pages later I gave up. I still cannot fathom it....

* is there any other type~??!?


  1. Gledwood,

    Sorry I haven't hit your blog in a minute, been busy. Danielle Steele? Puhleeze..I, too, am an aspiring writer. Live your dream my friend. Write when the urge hits you. When it doesn't don't force it. Hope the nightmares go away. I empathize with you. I still have night terrors. They are horrible. Keep writing.

  2. Danielle Steele appeals to a 17 year old mentality. Pipe dreams, pretty people with money and sex. That's where the proletariat are. Just like stupid reality shows and soap operas. If you want to sell books or just make money in general, you have to appeal to the baser instincts of the majority of people. It baffles me that Steele sells so much crap too in spite of knowing this.

    You can make it a little more sophisticated and less trashy, add some real characters, plot and adventure and you'll still do really well and get some critical acclaim too. Everyone likes a good story.

    Just don't make it too complex. Even smart people don't want to struggle to read recreationally.

  3. Well if you've got the ideas that's half the battle! :)

  4. danielle steele makes my head hurt beyond belief. I dont know how shes ever gotten publishes, let alone recognized.

  5. I accidentally picked up a Steel book of poetry. Each poem seemed to have been dedicated to a soap opera character with a soapy name and each seemed to have had a lot of angst in their lives. . . either that or they were all contrived and made up. I WANTED MY MUNNY BACK!

    I'd like to see a children's book based on your hamsters. My kids love your videos and hamster stories!

  6. Jackie Collins I could handle. Till I tried my 99p Hollywood Wives: The Next Generation last week and couldn't handle the onslaught of bad language (must be getting old). Danielle Steele I can't at all. I gave up big dreams long ago. The way I see it, I got a story so I just tell it


  7. I mention Jackie Collins in the company of Danielle Steel bc both "Can't write". But Danielle Steel's slush is far far worse.

  8. Gledds,
    I can't fathom the Danielle Steel thing either. At all.

    I have very wild dreams, too, sometimes. I've been taking melatonin, and it seems to make for some very exhausting vivid unpleasant dreams. It does konk me out though. Have you tried it?

    Love you,


  9. There's no accounting for bad taste is all I can say. Romance novels, well except for D.H. Lawrence, have never been my choice.

  10. SB: melatonin ~ it's banned in this country! Dunno why...

    Syd: and Danielle Steel insists she doesn't write romance (bc hers aren't straight love stories) ~ but she has that annoyingly over-splashy style and I hate it. I don't hate much other people write but D Steel I cannot abide!


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