I JUST BOUGHT A WEEK's dindins from my favourite shop, Iceland ~ where you can get all the components of a roastbeef dinner frozen ready to slam in the oven and take out ready with crispy battered diddly potatoes, gravy and all the trimmings, including cauliflower-and-broccoli cheese and Yorshire puddings within 40 minutes. Wonderful!
Provided you're no better than an average cook, the Iceland stuff actually comes out better than most people's from-scratch. It's the standard you'd expect from a pub lunch ~ right down to the thin-sliced roast beef that no-one ever serves at home (how'd you cut it that thin?)
Don't worry y'all I'm not back on the crack. I did have the urge to score more "just a £10 'rock'" this morning... but the memory of my head being full of so much noise put me off sufficiently... And crack is highly habituational, like druggie chocolate and I was glad to be rid of it (apart from just three occasions this year). It took nearly two years from properly trying to actually give it up, so I'm not undoing that in a hurry... Anyway I was so exhausted I didn't really get up till past midday. I do like the person I was with yesterday (he has a good heart). He can be "slightly" stressful, that's all... (ahem!)
And apart from that all is fine and I've an Italian stonebaked garlick chicken pizza ready to be slammed in the oven ~ yumm yummmmeeee!
Illustrated: Kerry "cokenose" Katona (former "face" of Iceland stores ~ sacked for being filmed snorting a line in her own bathroom); cheesy potato slices (I got these for the first time today ~ haven't tried 'em yet ~ these are what I consider trimmings to my RBD); cauliflower cheese ~ I go for the cauliflower and broccoli variety but couldn't find a pic of the pack; they do lovely chocolate caramel slices like this "2 slices extra free" at £1 a pack; cauliflower-broccoli cheese as it's meant to look (ie when I haven't burnt it!); and last but not least the whole shebang put together; prefilled black pepper grater ~ used to be £5 in Sainsbury's! I got mine for £1 from Iceland...
Still with the mystery coconut
Husband managed to find a photo of a pickle tray containing the mystery
coconut. Just to prove it exists.
It's green in this instance.
4 hours ago
One thing I've learned through my recent financial demise is that fresh is a shit load cheaper than packet. If you read your EMAILS (yes I'm shouting) I'd bother to send you cheap as chips dinners for one, type recipes although despite my mother's best efforts, I can't make Yorkshire puddings . . NO CRACK or else I'll reach over there with a big rubber antipodean arm and strangle you . .guess what your next trip will be! Believe the Baino . .she has grunt!
Hi Gleds ~~ Nice to hear from you and I am glad you didn't have the crack -- well done.
Thanks for your comments Glad you liked the photos on my blog.
Jan is a very dear friend that Peter has known for over 50 years, her late
husband was Peter's friend and he has always called her Jan. I have known her for 5 or 6 years and call her Jan. I put Jeanette on the blog as quite a few know her blog. She is having eye trouble and cannot see well at all. She had her cataracts done, but got fluid into her retinas so it is a long hard road for her. Do hope she comes good and can see better
very soon. She isn't a relative
but I love her dearly. You take great care my friend. Cheers, Merle
Do they only carry prepared food at this Iceland store? I would agree with Baino, rather than pay for the packaging go the cheap way and purchase the ingredients to make your own grub. Dunno if it's cheap to do that over there...
Oh and I would like to point out that you never come and visit me anymore. Please don't feel guilty about that ;)
I agree with Baino, that fresh is always cheaper than prepared foods. Having said that, I just checked out Iceland's 2009 online Christmas catalog (yes, they have one) and their prices are somewhat reasonable. I think I could fancy a package of the 12 Sticky Chicken Skewers for 2 pounds. Have you ever tried those? Anyway, on my many (30 something) trips to the U.K., I would see a slew of Icelands, but never once went in. I couldn't get over the name...Iceland. I've been to the country Iceland, and there are no Icelands that I know of in Iceland!
Funny, the name for things. In answer to your question on my blog, Queens County is the same as the borough of Queens in NYC. Queens County sounds a bit more posh, doesn't it? However, in the States we lovingly know it for what it was and still is...a working class, ethnic melting pot. Nice to see you have hamsters...we have 2 of their larger distant cousins, guinea pigs!
I'm glad that you didn't do the crack. Take care of yourself. Enjoy all the dinners.
Well that's good news that you didn't succumb to the crack.
If you can't be bothered cooking those ready meals at least mean you're getting something decent to eat. :)
Enjoy the good grub, Gledds!
Sending love, SB.
Brim over I acquiesce in but I contemplate the list inform should secure more info then it has.
Again a good post. Thank your also pen-friend
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