TIRED, and when I rest, depressed.
This is what happens. I mean I'm OK. I'm moving forward. but when I stop, I realize things don't feel as well as I'd hoped they would.
I wanted to post this today to mark where I am on My Great Journey.
But it's hard to know what to put.
My goals are clear. They haven't altered since the bleary dawn of my time, which happened around 2006. I'd say that New Era began in earnest when I took up blogging. Blogging gave confidence. Knowing that I'm communicating electronically with ordinary folk around the world gave me far more confidence in my powers to communicate on paper. I was flattered to be told I can write well, because my first perogative has always been to write clearly. If I can express myself clearly and with eloquence, then surely I'm doing good (or well).(!)
My goal now, of course, is to get a book out of my addiction, a book that I hope will be successful enough to let me physically move on from this terrible half-life I'm stuck in now. It would also give me a platform to speak about one of the great social evils of our age ~ an issue that Something needs to be done about, but no-one has the vision or the courage to put a workable solution forward. Somebody needs to stand up and show the way. And if no-one else is going to do it, and I get the chance, I shall make sure that person is me!
My other big goal has always been to depart Britain in favour of more stimulating shores. I don't care where I go just as long as it's different. I'm fed up of this country and the idea of paying taxes to Gordon Brown makes me physically nauseous!
Originally I was thinking Vienna or Berlin or Amsterdam: and I still want to see those places. I also long to see new York. Every time the place comes on telly I feel a yearning... I won't set my heart on any one place though. Just as long as I get out I'll be happy!
You cannot travel with a drug habit. And drug tourism is not my style ~ hiding holed up in foreign hotel rooms trying to convince yourself nobody knows what's going on, too paranoid to venture outside and in terror of the barbaric third world police. No thanks! Travel ought to be about freedom and there's precious little freedom where hard drugs are involved.
I absolutely must clean up before I can do anything.
I successfully dumped crack cocaine at New Year's 2009. I'm not generally into New Year's Resolutions but I made one then and stuck to it ~ with three exceptions in eleven months.
But what I still haven't mastered is the art of living heroin-free. I'm already at the stage where if I take heroin, it doesn't do an awful lot. If I sit still and take it I fall asleep. but if I keep moving most people don't seem to notice anything amiss.
Over and over I've gone round in my head, trying to convince myself that if I can just leave the stuff behind, I'll be free and can move on to some sort of bright future...
In my book, almost inevitably where there is heroin there is scunge and desperation. Real life, straight life, straightforward life is as mysterious to my characters as speaking fluent Japanese. Millions of people in Japan seem to manage it and get along fine. But to them it's so hugely difficult they give it up as impossible...
I refuse to be like these people ~ stuck in their ways. Mired in the constant gloomy rounds of active addiction. Not nice!
When people try to be grown up and mature, they risk falling into the trap of talking about drug addiction as a life choice. Of course the first experimentation is a choice, and a desperate or foolhardy one at that. But to the hardened addict, using drugs is no longer any kind of meaningful "choice" ~ the drugs are used automatically, whatever the circumstances. This is what NA mean by the phrase "powerless over our addiction". The one choice an addict has is NOT to take the drugs.
And that's the choice I want to go for. I keep telling myself that if I will only take this first step, I will walk somewhere wonderful that I can't even conceive of now. I'm telling myself I have to take the step otherwise I might never get anywhere... but I don't. And I don't. And I so much want to break free it hurts...
I love this song. This could be the motto for my life...
Sorry the picture's not too good. The synth sound comes out lovely. Top tune!
I specially like the line:
...Scream the lullaby...
Did you know Carly Simon is daughter of Richard L Simon, co-founder of Simon & Schuster publishing in New York..?
Illustrations: top ~ I wonder what this symbolizes, ahem?!?; New York City ~ wondrous by night; drug tourism ~ not good; crack cocaine ~ successfully knocked on head; drugs are endemic in our society ~ yet that vicious circle must still be smashed!
Still with the mystery coconut
Husband managed to find a photo of a pickle tray containing the mystery
coconut. Just to prove it exists.
It's green in this instance.
4 hours ago
Do you have AA or NA there? Have you ever tried it? I don't think one can just shake loose of heroin without some sort of support.
I'm sure now you will get a bunch of comments from people saying they did it. Hmmm..I remain skeptical.
Hi Gleds ... I'm sorry you are hurting from trying to make the choice you long for ... I can only imagine that there are many who are no longer with us wishing they had.
And from a totally selfish point of view, my own, I'm awaiting your book, so come on shake a leg lad*!* x
you can see a pristine copy of this video at www.carlysimon.com GREAT SONG!
As being someone who's hooked on benzo's I can only imagine how hard it must be for you to struggle to get off heroin. Best of luck.
Lou: I've been to maybe 100 NA meetings... over 10 years. I've seen it work for those who don't JUST "keep coming back" but actually DO the programme...
Bimbimbie: I can't wait till it's finished. Taking bloody ages!
B_4: thanks!
AnonymousDrifter: I heard benzo addiction is worse than opiate. Because you can go into fits. Nasty business. Having said that I know a few people who say they had fits/stopped breathing during heroin detox. But every single one was a heavy drinker who refused to admit they had a drink prob on top of heroin!
I have an addictive personality type, and I am addicted to coffee, wine, and overeating. I don't judge anyone for being addicted to hard drugs because it's hypocritical--an addiction is an addiction is an addiction.
I love you and I wish you well in trying to stop. I truly believe you can do this, if you set your mind to it.
Sending lots of love,
Gleds, perhaps it is time to go to NA and really work the steps, get a sponsor, etc. If you are entirely ready to quit, then it is entirely time for you to get to a meeting and get serious about the program. Just sayin'. I wish you the best.
You can move wherever you want in the world, you will never find the right place. Taxes you have to pay everywhere, if it is to the Dutchs, to Angela Merkel, or Obama.
As long as you can't handle yourself, nothing will change, because you take yourself with you wherever you go.
why should drug addicts be allowed to travel overseas? If they are going for treatment and have a minder I think it would be allowed but what makes you think you should be allowed into a foreign country with an addiction? If you listen to your yearnings to go to NYC you would give up the drug.
Keep trying buddy.
GOOD LUCK! i cannot recommend NA or AA highly enough. Even without a sponsor, ive found NA-related hotlines are incredibly helpful.
Best of luck to you
(and come to NY! Ive been totally clean a few weeks :) )
that comment aboce was supposed to be me (floating blog- J)
mustve left an email account open.
Either way, good luck and best wishes.
I'm off to Monte Carlo!!
Keep trying, it is possible. I kicked heroin after 3 years of daily use. For a while I thought I would never be able to enjoy normal things again, but with time it all came back.
I've been completely drug and alcohol free for almost 10 years now. I never went down the NA road. I just came to a point where I realised that I wanted to live, and it wasn't going to be possible to live the way I wanted with heroin in my life. It took me a while to come to that point, but once the shift had been made, I never once turned back to heroin.
I've not messed around with it since as I don't really believe it's possible to be a recreational heroin user once you've crossed the addiction line. I remember thinking that heroin had destroyed my ability to take pleasure in anything but heroin. I would look around in amazement at people happily going about their daily business (without heroin), wondering whether I would ever be able to join them again. After a while it all started coming back and having lived as an addict, I now have a new appreciation for how lucky I am.
You'll get there. Keep trying and keep writing. I've been following your blog from down under for a few months now. Thanks for sharing.
p.s. I've never bought all that 'every day is a struggle, once an addict always an addict' bullshit. The truth is that you can kick heroin and never look back. Good luck!
Wow powerful words Gleds and Jason is proof it can be done but I don't think you can travel that road alone either. Sounds like you're turning a corner although I've 'known' you now for three years and seen a few of these up beat posts. Try to make it work this time. What a wonderful and inspirational end to your book if you are able to declare yourself or your character's clean by its conclusion.
Hey Gleds,
How are you doing buddy? I'm very proud of you to ditch the crack/coke habbit you know. Big step I think.
How long would it take to go cold turkey? Would it be possible at all to team up with 4 friends who'd take time off to make a day and a night shift to pull you through?
AA helped me a lot. But only when I was ready. Good luck!
What a great resource!
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