Monday, January 11, 2010

Gledwood's Great Bling Quiz: Answers!

How many did you get right?!?

You can see the original quiz, and the gemstones in far greater detail here ...

1~ tanzanite

2~ 6 pointed star ruby; star sapphires are more common; this asterism is caused by traces of titanium dioxide in the aluminium oxide (corundum) that makes rubies and sapphires; these stones are presented in smooth cabochon (unfaceted) mode to let that star shine out!

3~ padpardascha orange ruby or sapphire; these unique gems are particularly prized amongst collectors of fine jewellery; the ambiguity of name arises from current nomenclature, which names red corundum stones as rubies; any other colours (including of course blue, but including pink) are known as sapphires ~ slightly confusing, or what?

4~ blue topaz

5~ peridot

6~ blue diamond set between lighter blue diamonds

7~ green garnet

8~ blue sapphire, a 206.82 carat pendant belonging to the late Duchess of Windsor

9~ emerald ~ note the scratchy, flaky appearance characteristic of these stones. Absolutely flawless emeralds are extremely rare ... emeralds are gem-quality green beryl; light blue beryl is called aquararine* ...

10~ the Steinmetz pink diamond ~ 59.6 carats

11~ green sapphire ~ yes sapphires come in every colour, including colourless; they are valued for flawlessness and saturation of colour, though they lack the refractive "fire" of coloured diamonds ...

12 ~ light blue-grey diamond ~ Christies blue pear diamond of 6.29 carats, fetched $6.5 million at auction in June 2009 ...

*look at this amazing aquamarine necklace/bracelet set by Balticamber.Com ~ $2,499


  1. That set is fabulous - I want it!

  2. So you should have told us who got the most right!

  3. I didn't get many right, I can tell you that. Thanks for the quiz and answers--really informative.

  4. Jeannie ~ hang on a moment I'll try and do the calculations >...

  5. Jeannie you were the winner with 7/12

    H got 8/12 but gave lots of suggestions too, so I crown JEANNIE the winner, H gets a Gemological Consolation prize of a green chromium thingie-ide stone ... which are meant to be rarer than emeralds, coming only from one single solitary mine in Russia!


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