Monday, January 04, 2010

Summer Brown ~ Winter White



(As I said, I used to have one of these, only mine merely went a lighter grey...)


Brrr! Is it as cold by you as it is here? Probably a lot colder in many cases.
They say London has more snow on the way (the last lot melted a week ago.)
Wrap up warm everyone (unless you're in the southern hemisphere!)
And don't wear real fur..!

PS I saw my neighbour's bisson frise Cloud Doggie going for walkies in a winter jacket yesterday: how cute!


  1. We had more snow at weekend - I'm heartily sick of it! The temperature here was -6C this morning, it's now -2.5C so it's getting warmer Wahay!

  2. Stay warm, my dear. It's cold here in Ohio, too. More snow due.

    Love, SB.

  3. Like the photos. More snow. Take care and turn up the heat to stay warm.

  4. I love the stoat, so cute. But the Bichon Frise? Needs a zip up the middle so you can stuff your pj's inside! Had one just like it when I was a child. Stay warm Gleds. We're having our first sunny day in over a week!

  5. Yes, it's cold in NJ. The snow from the blizzard is all gone since it rained not too long after. A few flurries the other day. Now it's just brrrr.
    Cute pictures!

  6. It's lovely here, not too hot at present. As for thanks. I don't like the cold at all!

  7. I didn't know that about stoats (being ermine!). Fascinating.

    It's just stopped snowing here in Swansea. At least in my part. We've not had a lot - just enough to make the roads slippery but not enough for fun. It's flipping cold though. I shall wrap up very well when I walk Georgie.

    His latest: I took very old fish and meat out of the freezer and didn't like the look of it so cooked it for him and was giving him a bit each day. Until yesterday when he got hold of the dish and ate about 3 salmon bits and a piece of steak I'd cooked for me but then didn't like the taste of. And that was after he'd had tea. He is a little roly-poly now.

    have I wished you happy New year, gleds? If not, I do so most sincerely and pray that it will be a year of change for you.

  8. no snow here yet ~ though it's heartily frosty all over!

  9. trust me to get the breed of a cloud dog wrong ~ it's bichon frise, innit~??!?

  10. I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

    I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as the price of memory drops, the possibility of copying our brains onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I dream about almost every day.

    (Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] DS SKu2)


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