Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Techno Confusion

I AM VERY CONFUSED INDEED. After spending much of the night (well, 20 minutes) watching feature films on my mobile phone (on youtube ~ you can get full-length films there, you just have to look) and burning up 25 megabytes (is this a lot?) I know a 100,000 word wordprocessed document is very approximately 1 megabyte, but the visual medium is a grossly inferior storytelling form, using many times more data to tell the same tale in vastly abridged form, and though the imagery is of course crystal clear, the ambiguity factor is often higher. (How many times have you watched a film and thought What was THAT about? ~ but felt too shamed to ask anybody. (Or you were on your own.) Also I ran foul of the telephone's antipornography "measures" ~ so raymitheminx.com was barred to me. Raymi is a bored 20something teenager who takes pictures of herself eating noodles! Food porn perhaps, but nothing more!! And I still haven't a clue how to post up a photo I actually took onto my blog. Can't I post to Flickr from a public PC? I just don't know what function to go into to put the pictures online. I remember when my hamsters went on youtube, the internet cafe guy had to do everything, clicking back and forth in the cobwebby confines of the computer's sub-basement. I would be too scared to venture there alone... Anyway I've got to go, else I will be terminated for lack of time.


  1. Once you upload to Flickr, you can post a photo from a public PC. You can just copy the URL of the photo and put it into the photo upload spot in Blogger. I wish that I help out some more but it is difficult from afar.

  2. i do hope you've got an unlimited data plan...

  3. J: No. And I've burned up 50mb in 2 days no sweat.

    But Syd, how do I upload to flickr?

  4. Hello! Posting photos in your own computer is easy just do my pictures in windows. But internet cafe computers will store them automatically to hard drive so be careful!

  5. SB and Gleds
    ive been reading raymis blog for like over 3 years now, everyday lol


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