Monday, February 15, 2010

Gledwood joins the 21st Century (at long last)

I BOUGHT a 3G phone today.

It is called a ZTE F102 and I got it from Argos, the shop that sells everything.

It has a 2 megapixel camera, it does free Skype, it does free Network 3 to Network 3 calls for 5000 minutes on a £10 3-month top up, it cost £46 including the top-up and 2GB micro-SD card. How could I go wrong?...

By living in Britain! I hear you cry. I bet could get the whole lot for $46 or less in the humungoulsy-bargainacious US of A.

... And the handsfree didn't work for a start.

But I did manage to brouse my own blog on it, which was pretty amazing. Saturday's doggies looked so furry and cute I wanted to stick a chopstick in the screen and poke them till they nibbled it.

Talking of dogs I saw a Basset hound parked outside the supermarket and couldn't take its picture because the phone was still on charge (how annoying) and I've decided to try that mobile blogging thing. Does anyone know how to do it?

Also does anyone know how Skype actually works? What should I all myself? And what's that Windows Live instant messaging thing all about? How do I know I've got a message if it's in my phone? Will the phone ring? What happens? Does the sun go into eclipse, the sky go black and the birds start stop chirping? [Pay attention Gledwood, you fool!] Or do I only find out two weeks later when somebody's really offended with me and cut me off their Xmascard list?

So many questions and not enough answers. Can anybody tell me how I would actually post a photo online? Considering I do NOT own the computer and don't really want my pixx stored on a public hard-drive if I can avoid it. Can't I just email it to the blog using the 3g mc-thingie-malarky? If so precisely HOW?

For those who are interested, you can read the phone's spec HERE.

PS don't those poor Bertie Bassett hounds look really hang-dog in that photograph. Trust me, the others I browsed through looked even more miserable. Not to be cruel, but they also look like they really smell of dog-blankets. Now how many Bertie Bassett owners are going to write me, all offended... (none!) The one at the supermarket looked really friendly and cute. It also seemed to like me. (Which is more than most people do. Haha!!)

PS I just doublechecked and Google, so it seems don't support 3-mobile for mobile blogging in the UK. But surely I can post a photo online some other way and link it via my blog? Does anyone please know how I do that????

(Bottom right photo: Vincent, who has a mobile blog...)


  1. laptops with long battery life

  2. I'm afraid I can't answer any of your questions re your phone. I have a mobile phone with all those gadgets but all I know how to do is answer calls, text and take a photo! If all else fails read the instructions!

  3. Hmm I use Skype all the time but on the Mac. You just download the software,think of a login name and start calling. It's free computer to computer but there is a small charge for phones to other users. MSN Instant messging is much the same. You build and account and can then chat on line via type. Be careful with phone use though because what's free PC to PC is often charged from phones. No help with pics I'm afraid, all my phone does is make and take calls.

  4. Laptops with long battery life link:

  5. There are no instructions at ALL about how to post online, unfortunately. I will try to register the phone with blogger tomorrow, if it ever gets charged up (which is looking doubtful ~ it's been plugged in with the battery registering EMPTY for the past four hours!) but thanks for the advice on MSN ~ the completest and utterest mystery to me in technology today. (Or tomorrow..!) ;->...

  6. sounds amazing, just the type of thing i'm looking for, to replace my 5-year-old cell phone!! all my current one does is text and call. so archaic!! it sounds like a bargain to me, though!!! i don't know where in the u.s. of a. you could find it cheaper. i wish i knew.

  7. Gleds, check the owner's manual. I use apps for my iPhone and they are free. I can store photos on iPhoto and then upload them to Blogger. It sounds as if your 3G should do this as well, although I'm not familiar with that phone.

  8. No use asking me, Gleds. I'm as unsure as you are. My phone does all that stuff, too. All I've done is take photos on it, but haven't read the instructions enough to find out how to upload them onto my blog. I'd rather use my does so much more. Good luck with the new acquisition...

  9. Hey Gled... wish I could help you more, but I only use my phone to make phone calls. I know that one can do blog updates, Facebook and all that stuff via phone, but I still haven't (my phone is too old).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey Gled, how's it going? That's awesome that you have a new phone :-)

    I do not upload my photos from my phone directly. I download them to my computer and resize them and sometimes play other tricks on them. And then I upload to blogger from my computer.

    I looked up the specs of your phone and it has Bluetooth and USB. So, you can use Bluetooth to hook it up to a computer wirelessly (can be a bit of a head fuck ;-) or you can use USB to hook it up using a cable. The latter is probably easiest as windows might automatically recognise your phone as a hard drive and allow you to access the files (= photos amongst other things). I suggest you try the USB option which requires you to hook your phone up to the computer where you do your blog. If that is a public one, you may want to remove your photos from it's hard drive after uploading.

    I hope that helps, otherwise drop me a line on my blog k?

    Good luck! :-)

  12. I have no idea about any of that. I despise all phones, so I don't have a mobile.

    Good luck with it, Gledds.


  13. thank y'all...

    ok: does anyone know how to upload to flickr or anything like it?

    or even better a professional photo agency that will PAY when my pictures are used?

  14. i like you, also want to delve into the world of photoblogging. it was never an option before, when i was constantly pawning my high-tech mobiles (after promising i never would) and well, even if i retained them for a certain period, i never had money on them to actually upload the piccies. that is why phone boxes were always king for me, as im sure you know.

    i cant help but think how interesting it would be if you started taking pics of the certain things you write about (your trips to the supermarket to buy food...). you may think it is just a boring pic of a supermarket, but you will be suprised what you catch of film and well, the most enjoyable thing in life i find is people watching, no matter how mundane, its never mundane. let me know how the phone goes. google and youll get loads of help, search for photoblogging forums.

    im still using my nans computer, i am hoping to get one with a ntl package though dont know if my budget will stretch. anyway, hope you are well, take care naomi x

  15. Catching up as usual.

    I am very impressed with your phone. Mine is a very basic one and I can just about text - if i can find it. It must be possible to post direct to your blog from your phone. I'm sure I've seen pics from people on holidays. Good luck with it. It will be interesting to see the places you write about.


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