Friday, February 12, 2010

Wolf Dogs!

I like proper wolf-type dogs with sticky-out noses and pointy ears.

The Japanese Akita Inu (秋田犬) ~ "inu" just means "dog" are some of the most beautiful:

They can be quite fearsome so they make good guard dogs:

This one is an akita-husky cross:

I think huskies are really beautiful, too. Look at those amazing blue eyes!

This isn't an 秋田犬 or a husky but look how what a "big-boned" furry it is!

Have a charming weekend, y'all!


  1. Husky's eyes are amazing, though a little scary. Our dog Guinness had pointy ears and looks a bit wolf-like I always thought. You can see a picture of him here

    Don't be put off by the title of the post, it's quite amusing.

  2. Yeah...they look like how dogs should look!

    But in saying that, the other little guys are so sweet!

    It all depends on individual choice and it is with most things in life.

  3. I would like a real pet wolf. But apparently they are illegal. Or something...

  4. Awww, I adore these photos! Love that blond-ish husky with the boy toward the middle!!! Puppies always melt my girly heart too!

  5. Really nice photos. I saw a Labradoodle today at the dog park. I don't get the craze for them since it seems that Labradors are just great as a pure breed.


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