Saturday, February 13, 2010

Fuzzy Doggies


Furry Friday on Saturday...

If you hadn't heard of them before (and I hadn't until I saw Nicole and Vincent's friend's labradoodle in Amsterdam) ~ these are a new breed as the name suggests ~ a cross between labradors and poodles...

They come in a range of colours from dark brown to beige to white...

Doesn't this one look like a furry cartoon character!

Of course labradoodle puppies are really cute!


  1. My Dexter played with a Labradoodle just the other day at the dog park. Lovely dog - very good natured - much larger than Dexter but played fair. Actually wore him out to the point he asked to leave.

  2. Hi Gleds~~ Nice fuzzy looking dogs.
    Thanks for your comment and yes I hope the extra pill I am taking will help my heart. Take care, Regards,

  3. And I just had lunch with Janno and Louis Labradoodle the other day!

  4. Those puppios are just too cute! :)

  5. they started breeding them to help blind people with allergies because 'poodle' are low allergy dogs but sadly it didn't work. Very cute though with the intelligence of a poodle and the temperament of a lab . . and you know I love my lab!

  6. My ex sister-in-law has a labradoodle, Roxy by name. She has the sweetest nature and lets my SIL's little kitten crawl all over her. Her colouring is almost a pale apricot colour, very unusual. Of course, my mum snorts in disgust about ex-SIL's "designer dog". Actually, sniffs my mother, it's only a mongrel...mixed breed...

    I find it quite hilarious.

  7. I don't like poodles, but these are cute.

    Love you, Gleddy.

  8. Thankyou... xx

    Can't you just cross a poodle and a golden retriever and make your own??!?

  9. They are gorgeous! Daughter has a springador - cross springer spaniel and lab. In the old days these dogs would be an accident and given away at birth. Today they're specially bred and cost a fortune!

  10. gleds my mom had a labradoodle named jesse he died of cancer at 2 years old, then she got a goldipoo (golden retriver/poodle) so yes they do make them and jake is GREAT, looks like the labradoodle but whiteish color

  11. I think I'd just get a female dog, wait till she's on heat and take my chances down the local park!

    How can a dog die of cancer at 2? How unfair!


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