Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Broiling hot

YES it's very hot indeed... I believe "broiling" is the word some of you Americans use when you mean you're putting something under the grill... and that's how hot it is today. I'm sweating like an amphibious swine, it's terrible. If I were going to be like a swine I would want to be something like a Japanese pig-dog, a buta-inu 豚犬 like those trotter Norfolk and Glen of Imaal terriers from the other day, who look like a wild boar, minus the little trotter tusks.
In all this heat I've been reading Grimms Märchen ~ meine Familie sent me a charming antique volume in the original German, so I've been reading that. It's from the early 20th century, printed in the curly blackletter type with the kind of Edwardian colour illustrations I really like (they remind me of my own childhood, reading handmedowns from my grandparents' era) ... nearly all German books were printed in Gothick type prior to World War II. I think it looks really funky. Why SHOULD everything look sanseriph and crap just because we're in 2010?
I've been trying to dig out youtube screens that teach Japanese for my language blog. There's plenty about, it's just a question of pasting up the good ones. I actually had better luck with Chinese, because the BBC ~ who usually do this stuff well ~ made some excellent teach yourself Mandarin videos for late night TV. I do want to learn Chinese as well, but don't want to overburden and lose my thread... Confucius, he say: he who chase two rabbits catch neither one...

This song reminds me of doing GCSE French at school... here in the UK it got to number 5 in 1988... in much of continental Europe, including the Soviet Union, it got to number one the previous year...


And finally ~ how could I drop the dogs theme? ~ we have CARKIES ~~
Doggies who are Yorkshire-Cairn Terrorizer Cross

Did I say very much? Did I say what I wanted to say? Did I remember? My brainbox is too well broiled to know..!

PS I didn't think I was that fussy
, but the two major doggie rescue centres I consulted had only one small mop mutt each: Eddie at Battersea Dogs' Home, South London and Scruffy (as mentioned the other day) at the Wood Green Animal Shelter, North London. I couldn't take either one as both have been rehomed, the lucky 豚犬 butas! Eddie is only about one and a half, but Scruffy is seven... I wonder what happened to them?... do you think their old owners died? Poor little swines. I hope they are happy now ... poor little furries :-)



  2. Eddie is really cute. NOT TOO MANY DOGS. I disagree with Anon.

    Love you, Gledds!

  3. I think that all dogs deserve a loving home. I hope that you find one that needs a good home. I think that you would really make a good doggy owner.

  4. You can never have to much animal content....

    I want a dog but I am not allowed until I have a proper house with a backyard!

  5. Wow that's long ago that I read Grimm's Märchen ! To your question :
    I didn't move to Brussels, I was moved ! My father started to work for the EU (at that time the commun market) in 1958 and my mother and I followed in 1959. Ever since I have lived in Belgium wich was 50 years last year in May ! I can't say a lot about Germany because I never lived there as an adult. I never wanted to live there either. Brussels and especially Waterloo is a very nice place to live. I also loved London a lot (and still do) because my son was living and working there for 10 years and I was very often there. He still has his house in Norwood junction. Now he works and lives in Amsterdam, but I don't like it so much once you have seen everything it's rather boring or not more interesting then Brussels. Mr. G. arrived from Italy in 1967 we met 68 and married 69. He doesn't want to go back to Italy either, only for holidays.
    Now I go each year to Eastbourne on holidays and love it ! My friends moved from London there since they are retired. People are all so nice, funny and friendly !

  6. Anon: too many dogs indeed...


    Elaine-Reeny: I am not really allowed dogs ~ when I signed for my present room the number-allocator from the council's housing dept said "you haven't any pets, have you?" and I said "oh no!" (only THREE roborovski hamsters & a Chinese) plus I have no garden access either... which means I'd never be allowed a rescue pet,mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    o no I fell asleep ~ talk about catching up on some Zs!!

  7. SB: I am no sorry! I meant to fill in your reply "here here" but blinkin' fell asleep there holding down the letter Z, din't I!?

    Syd: Reading through the doggies' rescue sight is incredibly heartwrenching... those poor little mites ~ given a family, a life ~ then it is decided they are too much of an inconvenience... 2nd only to a HUMAN adoption catalogue I remember browsing through as a teenager because my parents knew someone who wanted to adopt... v., v., sad... if I dwelt on it any more I would probably cry :-<...

    Gattina: Wow that's a life and a half you've had ~ big wow. You know a lot of people who come from "Benelux" countries or Germany say they can't stand Britain ~ too down-at-heel and scruffy... I think that's precisely what London-lovers love most about my Hometown... the atmosphere here of, to put it politely "faded grandeur"

    or to put it impolitely: sheer morale-busting economic, political, cultural DECAY!!

    So you moved to Belgium in nineteen-FIFTY-eight... I thought you'd said 1985 ~ I'm dyslexic, me!!

    Eastbourne's said to be really funky and cool... like Blackpool or Brighton


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