Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Maltese Terriers

LIKE THE BICHON FREEZE (as I like to spell it)... Maltese Terriers are another sort of cloud dog...

This young lady's expression seems to say, "I am queen of the daft looking cloudies"!

Weighing in at 1.8 to under 3kg, they are among the tiniest of all terriers ~ smaller, even than many porkies:

Famous for their long fur, which can grow to ridiculous lengths:

They actually look far better ~ in my opinion ~ in a so-called "puppy" fur-cut. This, by the way, is a fully adult doggie:

Look closely: again, this ain't a puppy, just another "puppy cut"!

This is what an actual Maltese terrier puppydog looks like... how amazing!!



  1. Cute, but I'll never own one, I'm allergic to dogs. Dang it.


  2. I don't particularly like terriers I prefer larger dogs. :)

  3. They're adorable but I'd be forever afraid I'd step on it. The miniature poodle we had for 18 years was bad enough.

  4. Janice: Allergic to pet-fur!! No!! That would be intolerable. Apparently Tony Blair's wife, Cherie, had a severe reaction and said compulsory summer breaks with the royals at Balmoral were a nightmare... fur everywhere ~ not only in the shape of corgis, but stuffed moose-heads on seemingly every wall... and so on. ;->...

    Akelamalu: I know what you mean. I used to hate yappy little dogs, especially "toy" breeds.... I used to think "why not get a cat?!" ... I would have loved a giant Japanese wolf-huskie, but space is so limited it would be ridiculous and the poor swine would be too cooped-up. So if I DO want a dog it would have to be a little one really. I always thought "scruffy" looking terriers ~ like the cairn type were cute but still don't like those handbag dogs, pomeranians &c... (I only want a dog to go in a bag to hide, so it won't get nicked from outside Sainsbury's.... y'know...

  5. Jeannie: They do look cute... as I was saying I never used to like dogs like this... but there is something to be said for if you're going small you might as well go tiny!!!
    If I did get a dog I would probably get a mophead mutt terrier I 'xpect, anyhhow...

  6. The puppies are cute!

    My dog was already potty-trained when I got her, Gledds. We got her from a rescue shelter. She was nine months old.



  7. I think most animals have an instinct to toilet train themselves, otherwise they'd be doing weeeze and pooze in their bed, which hardly seems natural... know what i mean...

  8. I'd get beaten up if I got caught walking a doggie like that in my local park...

    ... (and so would the dog!)

  9. note to self:

    this is my msg to the bichon frise friend of the bichon frise via roaming with mary

    Hi Remington! I just jumped in here via some of the other doggie blogs I found via a friend's site... do you mind my asking what breed you are? You look a bit like rottweiler crossed with some sort of water-dog... but what the breed would be I've no idea...

  10. Hi there! Yes, my two dogs are both bichon frises. My big guy is a labrador / newfoundland that I adopted from the humane society. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have some interesting things here!!


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