Thursday, May 06, 2010

Britain goes to the polls....

FINALLY I'M IN AN ELECTIONAL MOOD... and that's a good thing because...
IT'S GENERAL ELECTION DAY TODAY!... Polling stations opened early this morning and close at 10 o'clock tonight, after which votes are counted. A new prime minister (or the return of the old one) should be announced by the early hours of tomorrow morning. If David Cameron wins, he will drive to Buckingham Palace where he will ask the Queen for permission to set up a new Government. He will be installed in 10 Downing Street and the new Government will be up and running by tomorrow.

If Gordon Brown gets in again (no comment) ~ obviously not a lot changes.

But the result may well be a hung parliament, with no one party in absolute control... in which case I'm not entirely sure what happens. I think it means we'll have Gordon Brown as prime minister, but a watered-down coalition with Liberal Democrats having a say in everything, which will be interesting...

This is a paid advert on Youtube today ...
David Cameron is Eton and Oxford educated... a bit of a posh boy but the housewives loved him... (till they saw Nick Clegg: see below)

theoretically central; in today's climate the most left-wing of the big three. I like Nick Clegg, but not his policies of taxing the rich (I wanna be rich!) or scrapping Britain's nukes ~ which would only lose us a place at the world's top table...

ruling party's "road ahead" election broadcast

UKIP (no chance of getting in, but will accrue lots of protest votes; right of centre; wants Britain out of European Union)

GREEN PARTY (another good protest vote ~ as this points out, no matter who gets in tomorrow, nothing will change...)

and I nearly forgot! (you can tell how high on my priorities this lot are...)
BNP British National Party ~ anti-immigration and the like
This audio broadcast was refused airtime by BBC Wales


  1. I guess you'll know by now - my little news feed (canadian so not updated much for UK) says the Cons likely in.

    I used to be fascinated with the similarities in languages. Still am I guess but not enough to pursue it. I had a dictionary once that showed how they developed.

  2. We went on holiday once to an old house in Wales full of books (this was the 1980s, when holiday home owners could still trust their guests not to run off with the free literature)... anyway there was this old red book called Comparative Philology which kept me rivetted with details of how the "Ayrian" languages, as the author called them (I think he meant Indo-European) related one with another. It was absolutely fascinating

    They're saying, at 10 to 3 in the morning, that a hung parliament seems likely

    (I don't know what to say about that)

  3. So Labour is more like our Democratic Party, or perhaps even more left than that, right? Just curious as to how the party system compares to the US one.

  4. Lets hope who ever gets in has full majority otherwise nothing but debates will occur :(

  5. Who has elections on a Thursday? Ours are compulsory so at least you have to turn up and get your name ticked off and are almost always on a Saturday! I dunno . .we had 10 years of liberal coalition government . . no heartbreaker.

  6. I see Gordon's still hanging in there! :(

  7. Traditionally Labour would actually be to the left of the Democrats, unless the Democrats had a left wing who called each other "comrade"! But the Conservative party does seem to be broadly equivalent to the Republican party. Labour is now a capitalist party with liberal values... not at all what it used to be.

    Why Thursday? So people can take half days off work to vote, I expect!

    Yes I think Gordon will hang in till the bitter end :-(

    Nothing but debates? That sounds horrible :-(...


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