Monday, November 08, 2010

After the cyder ...

THIS MORNING... oh I am sorry; this AFTERNOON when I eventually woke up I was aching all over as if I'd fallen off a galloping horse the night before. What happened to me? I wondered. Then it came back to me: cyder happened!
I went to the chemist's and got my methadone.
Before that, I bought some more cyder: hair of the dog. (And it worked!)
After the chemist's, I went to the cheapest supermarket in England, Iceland, and purchased frozen Chinese takeaway ~ satay chicken (in spicy sauce, not mingy stringy bits of chicken on glorified toothpicks) plus chicken fried rice ~ £3 the pair. Back at home I slammed 'em in the oven. And with a couple of generous pinches of MSG on each they tasted wonderful. Worthy of my local Chinese but at half price!

Very moving: Trainspotting overdose scene ~ Soundtrack: Lou Reed ~ Perfect Day.
Yesterday, while my two friends were arguing, this tune came on television. They were talking about dead friends. And this tune and the subject matter and Tanisha's overwrought voice made me so emotional I nearly cried ...
The Susan Boyle version you can see beneath my yesterday's post. This is the Lou Reed 1972 original (from the year of my birth!) ~ as introduced to a whole new generation in the film Trainspotting.


The heroin in this clip is too cloudy, there's far too much water in the hit and he's blowing the vein and/or partially missing it ~ you can see that. He shouldn't be bruising up so quickly.

Trainspotting: full scene from the film "visiting Mother Superior":">">


  1. When I visited my son in London my favorite drink was cider ! I loved it ! Now I ddon't drink anymore, I had enough !
    BTW I don't want to learn Hungerian, they all speak Russian, so it would be more useful to learn Russian ! Russian was in the Eastern block what is English in the Western world before the fall of the wall !
    But I don't want to learn Russian either !

  2. Take care of yourself Gleds. I can't watch someone shooting up, even in a video. No need to watch such a thing IMO.

  3. Lou Reed is the only person that should ever sing that song.

    I watched Trainspotting about a year ago for the first time since it was super popular...still a good flick. Now I want to listen to The Underworld lol...

  4. Gattina: some of the best literature in the world is in Russian - Tolstoy, Dostoyevski, Pushkin... etc etc!
    And Hungarians make great goulash..!

    Syd: not pleasant. I'm surprised they showed someone hitting up. It's not illegal to shoot up food colouring. But it's still horrible...

    Reeny: he did sing it in the BBC Stars version. At the beginning. But then so did a lot of other people. To me, that will always be the classic version. It came on all the time between programmes...


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