Sunday, November 07, 2010

Perfect Sunday!

I SPENT the entire day with my Irish friend Patrick and a black girl I'd never met before who at first was lots of fun. We drank and drank white cyder. I bought Chinese sweet chili chicken pizza and cheese-and-onion-baked rolls. Tanisha bought the cyder. She grew more and more aggressive as we all got more drunk...

... in the end I had to go home before a full-on row broke out.

Oh, what a perfect day!

THIS is one of my favourite songs.
Written and originally recorded by Lou Reed, the following versions, I think, are two of the best:


"BBC & STARS" (Lou Reed, Bono, Skye Edwards (Morcheeba), David Bowie, Suzanna Vega, Elton John, Sir Andrew Davies, Boyzone, Lesley Garrett, Burning Spear, Sir Thomas Allen, Brodsky Quartet, Heather Small (M People), Emmylou Harris, Tammy Wynett, Shane McGowan, Sheona White, Dr John, Robert Cray, Huey (Fun Lovin' Criminals), Gabrielle, Evan Dando, Courtney Pine, Brett Anderson (Suede), Visual Ministry Choir, Joan Armatrading, Laurie Anderson, Tom Jones, BBC Symphony Orchestra): PERFECT DAY


  1. At least you know when the fun's over and leave before the crazy sets in to ruin it.

    Glad it was a good one.

    I've never heard that song to my knowledge although it sounds vaguely familiar so maybe I have. It drags a bit. I'm sure it's meant to. Not speaking to me at my current stage in life but I'm sure I'd have loved it not so many years ago.

  2. Yeah I don't really consider myself a problem drinker in the true sense because I DO know when to stop, and dislike feeling too drunk... even today, after all those years of addiction.

    But I'm a HEROIN addict, and anyone who takes heroin enough gets addicted to it. So that says v little about my personality really. And I have little truck with that crap about "I was an addict before I ever took drugs" I've heard spouted in NA.

    I have some reservations about NA, but you gotta take the rough with the smooth in that organization and it works for those "who work it", as the saying goes. And drinking certainly is not a part of the programme!

    The BBC version was originally made as a filler between programmes, so they say; not to be released as the charity single it was. Though how on earth such an illustrious cast would be persuaded to sign up for something merely to come between the Nine O'Clock News and the Weather beats me.
    If you don't know the song, that version's probably best. It was really really catchy and a huge hit a few years back ...

  3. I guess some people get aggressive when drunk. I tend to go quiet and melancholic. Great video. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I don't usually get fractious. But in vino veritas, as they say, and alcohol often releases people's true spirit.

    Some people do go weird on drink though. They don't call it "demon drink" for nothing :-(

  5. It's good to get away before the day is ruined. Glad that you had a smashing Sunday.

  6. You did right getting away before it kicked off Gleds.

  7. Syd: didn't smash anything though... hadn't drunk enough

    Akelamalu: for once in my life I actually got credit for trying to keep the peace - a real first. Woke up this afternoon feeling like I'd fallen off a horse!

  8. Aww. I love the BBC promo one as well but Lou Reed's still my favourite it's so raw. I just get the havachat's when I've had a few. Glad you had a lovely day.

  9. Thank god I don't have flash player here at the cube farm. I never, ever want to hear Susan Friggin' Boyle sing that song. Nooooo thanks.

    Glad u had a good Sunday tho...

  10. Baino: I love that song, I'll explain more about why I posted it up in an hour or two, by about 10pm local time

    Reeny: So that lack of a flashplayer is saving you from a boyle on the bum! Susan Boyle has a lovely "tone colour", don't you think? I'm that THAT easily impressed by anybody just because they're meant to be wonderful, but Susan Boyle I do get... though I haven't bought any of her CDs (or downloads), I have to say...
    The BBC version is far better, btw... Have a watch when you get the chance ~ a genuine all-time classic :-)

  11. Sounds like a wild damn time, Gledds.

  12. Kind of... first day in ages I've spent all afternoon drinking...
    ... didn't feel too clever this morning but wasn't hung over either ...


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