Friday, December 24, 2010

Xmas Eve: 2 Top Tunes :-)

Embodying the True Spirit of Xmas, this easily takes the biscuit as as the best festive tune of all time.

Story of Fairytale of New York (10 mins)

Throw out any Madonna-preconceptions you might have, and you'll hear one of the best ever recordings of this song. You may well have heard this before, not even realizing who it was ...
This was recorded for a charity Xmas album so the song has never been released as a single. It is, however Madonna's most downloaded album track.
The video is a montage of True Blue, Material Girl and a live Oscars performance of Sondheim's Sooner or Later (from Dick Tracy) spliced together by a fan. Whoever did this has a professional's eye for video. It's brilliantly well done.


  1. O IS christmas eve now isn't it?

    Well I never!

    ...sneaky xmas eve!

    Gledwood...Just wanted to say...

    I Love You...!

    (What?...Its Christmas!)


  2. Hi Lady Anon :-)

    Here's some platonic mistletoe.


    There ya go!

    Have a very Merry One too. If it cannot be "very merry" then may it be very tolerable. If you don't have an eighth of B or at least 4xpukka 20s to make it through, then may it be just tolerable. If it's not tolerable, please email me. I'll be online on Xmas day for anyone who wants to talk to me all day on Gabbly.

    That's my Gledwood Xmas Samaritans-style counselling service to the world!

    (OK OK it's not. It's just me bored on my own, Hopefully pilled out and drunk and talking shit to all comers!!)

    Have a good one, Lady A.


  3. Thanks for stopping by Gleds with the Christmas greeting. The same back at you. Have a good day and a better 2011.

  4. Thanks for your Christmas wishes Gleds. I'm not too far away from you and enjoying some lovely cold weather. Paris is cold with sleaty snow this afternoon. I've been listening to 5 Live and gather it's a lot whiter over on your side of the channel ...

    You've given yourself and those of us who care for your wellbeing the best news and start for 2011 - well done and keep looking forward. Wishing you lots of peace of mind and restful sleep over Christmas. xx

    I'll be back tomorrow to watch the Pogues - one of my all time fav Christmas songs *!*

  5. Merry Christmas to you!
    Sean McGowan,(spelling?) what a great singer and character he is.
    My very favorite is Dirty Old Town.

    All the best to you, always,

  6. Syd: Many thanks. 2011 couldn't be much more of a mixed bag than 2010. I'm hoping a year off Heroin might be a better year, know what I mean...

    Bimbimbie: You know I did blip 2 days ago, but it was just a blip. Are you there with Baino? Did you 2 meet online? IF so that's so modern of you!!

    Taffeta: have you seen the state of Shane McGowan's teeth! They're what gives British Dentistry it's overwhelmingly outstanding reputation Stateside..!

    Yeah, far as I know, the name's spelled Shane. Sean would be Shawn or Shorn.


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