Friday, February 04, 2011

Down with Depression. Up with Me!

Midday. HERE IS THE NEWS at midday. I keep getting mood swings. I was lovely and hyper earlier. I felt fine. Now I'm irritable and tired. Not depressed though.

Losing sleep: does it every time now! Never used to. Never used to do anything bar make me sleep twice as much starting in the middle of the day. Now I do right through to the night feeling fine. Or irritable. Or fantastic. But not down, which is the point I DO NOT WISH TO GO DOWN. I hate being down. I have spent FAR TOO MUCH of my life being down I will Not Do It Any More.

Down with Depression!


  1. I agree! Being down sucks. Hope you get your sleep worked out. I'm sure your body will need some time to adjust to the different chemicals.

  2. I am on pills that did make me feel whacked over the head with a frying pan. Now they do practically nothing for me, bar block out hallucinations a bit and probably damp my mood from being too hyper and high. I hope they protect against depression too. I'm not spending all day googling them I read the leaflet which contains more info than wikipedia or the medical website they're risperidone 4mg daily

  3. risperidone wont stop you from being depressed unfortunately you have to take another pill for that or change your lifestyle actually this is interesting

  4. hi i started writing sumut earlier and got interupted. it was in answers to your 5.40 post.
    basically was just saying i have gone "down" again. i have no idea y. i back on anti d's since drought but not mood stabilisers.
    i always presumed mood swings were part of being a woman.pmt, pregnancies, breast feeding, tiredness from endless sleepless nights consoling babies and just generally going from good mood 2 fuming in 2 secs to discipline the kids(i have cut out the hour letting them slowly wind me up 2 fuming now, as it seemed such a waste of time).and possilbly worse 2 come with menopause. so i just accepted them. obviously gear evened all that lot out nicely - but looks like thats not an option any more. anyway cant remember what i was saying.but yeah its such a pain when u've had a couple of good days/hours and u just feel that heaviness creeping on and the colour kinda drains out of things and u notice the windows r mucky. fucking horrible. shit i think i just read in your post that u dint want 2 think or talk about it. sorry. i have lost my point again. ermmmm. yeah. it can fuck right off (depression that is)
    but mood swings i not so sure about,
    i might get panic attacks if they dissapeared!!! sorry. will come back when i remember my point, or if i even had one . . .

    x ;-< (robo-gob) x

  5. Alcohol is a depressant. That might be part of the problem.


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