Friday, March 25, 2011

Boogie Nights

I WROTE PAGES AND PAGES last night because I went "up" (on nothing) now I'm down to "normal" I feel like a human rollercoaster. Or more to the point, like a beach with constant tides grinding me into sand.

The weather has been beautiful. I wasn't sync'd in with the sunshine yesterday, so I didn't appreciate it.

Then I watched Boogie Nights which is about a waiter/kitchen assistant with an abmormally large xxxx who gets a job acting in porn. And he changes his name to Dirk Diggler. It's really funny. What I remember was my [2 female] friends watching it and coming back telling me about the cocaine! They loved cocaine. Barely ever took it, loved leeching off a man for the night being called "Princess" when they did. One of their cousins owned a West London very posh nightclub so she'd go up every now and then to be called Princess and get free coke. So I watched this film and I'm waiting on a refill of my medication anyway so I had none, so my mood soared quite nicely and I couldn't sleep, so I watched the film again in German! It's really funny watching tacky porn actresses doing coke and yelling at one another in German!

Then they go nuts on the coke and decide to rob someone by selling him a half key of baking soda for $5000 (was it really so cheap back then?) He's freebasing and letting off firecrackers in his house it's mental.

So I watched all these mentalists going mental on drugs and wasn't impressed by any of it. I hate drugs now. They steal happiness away and leave misery, emptiness and destruction behind them. Often when that seems not to be the case, it's just that you don't know the case well enough to comment.

So that was me yesterday now I have to ping off before I get terminated. I get an internet refill on Monday. If not then, then Tuesday. Wahey!!


  1. thank you for sharing this lovely encouragement.

    Aloha to you
    from Waikiki!

    Comfort Spiral




  2. They steal happiness away and leave misery, ...

    how true that is my friend..

    (hey, i have dirty dan detoxing... if ya pray, bend a knee for him)

  3. Hey Gled!

    It's me, Mina.

    Just wanted to let you know i moved to a new blog.

    My new blog is:

  4. Gleds, yep drugs steal your soul and more. Glad that you are writing that and hopefully believing it too.


  6. thank y'all

    mina i'm going to try saving that new url

  7. It's like Trainspotting... I remember that as the seminal film ... now I watch it and think - Holly Crap! Good film but I have a different take on it all now.

    Been busy so only dropping in and out... nice to see you still going well. Can't deny that whatever about Boogie Night was/isn't/wasn't as a film... I was always somewhat jealous of Dirk!

  8. I love Boogie Nights. Great film.

    Love you too!


  9. FURTHERON: do you think people find it a turn on watching that? I just find it amusingly tacky and I like the "family" they live in

    SB: it was really hilarious in German I can tell you!


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